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Prince Facade

Prince Facade, also known by his full title "Prince Facade of Arcadia", is a character in The Legend of Zelda animated series. He appears exclusively in the cartoon's third episode, "The White Knight", of which he is the main focus.
Prince Facade is a male with long, blonde hair, blue eyes and a pointed nose. His outfit consists of a white cape with pale lavender bordering and a gold button with a dark blue jewel, a white, long-sleeve tunic with a gold, four-pointed star design, a light blue belt with a gold button with a dark blue jewel, pale lavender bordering on the ends of his sleeves and the bottom of his tunic, light blue pants and white fringe-cuffed boots. His weapon of choice is a wooden crossbow that is able to shoot golden bolts, though he is also shown to have a sword. He also carries a white shield with dark blue bordering and a similar gold four-pointed star design. He possesses a white stallion named Magnus, who is his steed.
Prince Facade appears to be a very charming and heroic person and is shown to be a capable warrior, having clashed with Ganon in the past, but in spite of his apparent heroism, Prince Facade is known to be very vain, being aversive to or outright avoiding anything that puts him at risk of getting him or his clothing dirty.
Prince Facade first appears atop Magnus coming up on a hill overlooking the village Link and Princess Zelda are visiting. Later, as Link is being dragged around by an Octorok following a failed attempt to stop the foe, Prince Facade appears before it, blocking its projectile with his shield before tossing it aside and defeating the Octorok with a shot from his crossbow. Afterwards, he greets and introduces himself to Link and Zelda, but when Link, who got dirty while being dragged around, introduces himself and tries to offer a handshake, Prince Facade avoids doing so, much to Link's annoyance. The prince then offers to take Zelda back to North Castle by riding Magnus, which she accepts, but Link is not invited on the ride back, as Magnus can only handle carrying two riders. Before Zelda and Prince Facade leave, Link spots a Rupee that was dropped by the defeated Octorok and attempts to collect it, but it is quickly grabbed by the prince, who claims it as his since he defeated the enemy. The two then ride back to the castle, leaving a disgruntled Link to walk back by himself. Later, as Prince Facade recounts a story of him saving a city from Ganon and his evil forces to Zelda and King Harkinian, Link attempts to win an infatuated Zelda back from the prince, but humiliates himself in the process, causing the three to laugh at him and Link to storm out and ride away from the castle atop Catherine. Not long after, Ganon sends his forces to attack Zelda and Prince Facade just before they kiss, and Zelda is kidnapped by a Zola who begins running to an Underworld entrance, and Prince Facade gives chase. The Zola eventually jumps into a muddy bank of water holding the Underworld entrance, and Prince Facade halts his pursuit due to not wanting to get his outfit dirty, this action greatly angering Zelda. Link manages to rescue Zelda, and when Prince Facade begins making excuses as to why he didn't save Zelda, the angered princess causes him to fall into the muddy bank, and Link and Zelda leave the now-dirty prince behind.