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First appearance Zelda's Adventure (1995)
“I am the south Kelpi. It is my honor to fight you for my mistress, the great AgWanda.”
Kelpi, Zelda's Adventure

The Kelpis[1] are the three minions of AgWanda in Zelda's Adventure, being the minibosses of the Shrine of Water. In order, they are the south Kelpi, the north Kelpi, and the east Kelpi. Their name comes from the mythical kelpie, a water spirit commonly characterized as a monstrous horse capable of taking on a humanoid form. They appear as cyan and green humanoid creatures wielding tridents, and all three are female. They are very similar in function to the Sardaks from the Shrine of Rock, though they are weak to the extremely costly to use Turquoise Ring, taking four hits from it to defeat. The south and north Kelpis each need to be defeated to deactivate floor spikes blocking progress from their respective rooms, though the east Kelpi is fought on the moving raft and does not need defeated.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Dutch Kelpi From kelpie


  • Despite her title, the north Kelpi is actually the southernmost of the three.
