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User:Doc von Schmeltwick

From Triforce Wiki, a The Legend of Zelda wiki
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I'm Docky, I'm the one who pushed for creating a new indy Zelda wiki.

I have played through all the main Zelda games except for Four Swords Adventures. I have not beaten The Adventure of Link or Skyward Sword, but have gotten to pretty much the ends. I have also watched full playthroughs of the three CD-i games.

What is Triforce wiki?[edit]

“It's a "rival" wiki made by some people from Mario Wiki who couldn't mind their own business
the prestigious (redacted immediately for sake of courtesy), critique about us

Once upon a time there were three Zelda-based wikis: (independent), Zeldapedia (wikia), and (independent and laid back). They were all fairly decent, but Zeldawiki was the best, though it had a few small problems. At the very least, the userbase knew to not trust the fanfic-mixed One day, Zeldawiki and a few other Nintendo-based wikis founded some group called NIWA, with the basic rule being that it was for indy Nintendo wikis. And all was well barring the few problems mentioned. Those included over-citation of in-game material and lack of guidebook citations, not allowing IP edits, over-reliance on the concept of "canon," and inconsistently basing things off "English name canon" despite the creators of all they considered "canon" being Japanese.

Eventually, things turned sour. Fairly close to each other, Zeldawiki stopped being independent as it was sold to an incompetent corporate crapheap called "Gamepedia," and the incompetents at Dork Hores comics decided to use wikis when translating guidebooks for literally no other reason than laziness, ignoring conjecture warnings and alternate language warnings. In spite of how years prior they knew to not trust everything said, this new Zeldawiki embraced the incompetently-written books and treated them as gospel truth despite how blatant it was that names they had invented/misinterpreted were in there, such as inexplicably calling the Oracle of Ages iteration of ???? "Hand" as a proper noun, as well as "Odolwa's Insect Minions." They then kept going down this rabbit hole and made such poor choices as haphazardly splitting color variants for enemies, making worthless "term" templates, attempting to transclude "translation" pages while seemingly purposefully breaking said pages, having hundreds of bot-created articles that basically say "this thing is a thing," and introducing gimmicky "challenges" that maybe three edits at most are given to. Additionally, Zeldapedia merged with them, basically making them wikia/FANDOM themselves, and as such violating the core rule of NIWA.

The "Hand" thing was my breaking point. How blatant and half-baked it all was. I decided something needed to be done, so I basically pestered the issue for a little while and bip-bop-boop, this wiki was born. This wiki was made to look at things from an objective standpoint, not mix in theories, and not mix in self-citation. Despite what some have said, Nintendo's "involvement" with Zelda Encyclopedia was minimal at most, and the fact that both Cadence and Link's Awakening Switch have since contradicted it on multiple levels proves that Nintendo doesn't give a crap about it or what it says. There is no "canon." There is continuity, yes, but the Zelda games are oft so self-contained and far apart from each other time-wise that attempting to apply a full consistent "canon" to its in-universe history without leaving major holes cannot be done, and claiming that something is "less canon" than something else is similarly stupid. "Metroid" has a canon. It stars one singular character over a relatively short timespan. "Zelda" does not have this. It is multiple iterations of a character across millennia. Basically, continuity exists, but not everything connects to every other thing.

Notes to self for future page creations (for my eyes only for now)[edit]

  • Ball & Chain Troopers (fire) are red in FSA, Lorule in ALBW, and gold in TFH; in TFH they give a silver rupee upon defeat.
  • In ALBW, the red Spear Troopers Yuga spawns midway up Hyrule Castle lack shields and pursue relentlessly.
  • Bomb Troopers are red with green bombs in ALttP, silver with dark green bombs in ALBW, and silver with blue bombs in TFH.
  • "The Lady's Pets" are also called the "Tri Furies" by her.
  • Sprouts of Bomb Flowers appear in TFH as two-leaved sprouts and can be watered. Bean sprouts use the same graphic.
  • Skull Ropes in TFH jump and slam down to attack.
  • Gibdos in TFH are larger than the Stalfos within. Gibdos charge, while Stalfos leap too fast to be hit with the sword in most cases.
  • When Water Tektites in TFH are on land, they simply walk around weakly.
  • Red Dark Nut can charge up its attacks, sounding like the "ready for spin attack" noise.
  • An unreparable duo of Stalfos are an early miniboss of MQ's Fire Temple, followed almost immediately by an Iron Knuckle, then the first Flare Dancer. Towards the end of the dungeon, the later Flare Dancer is fought as normal, followed a bit later by two Stalfos. Generic enemies there are a Like Like early on, two Torch Slugs in an optional room to the other "lens," one Lizalfos in a main "climbing" room, four Lizalfos in what was previously the boulder room, and a Skullwalltula behind a bombable area in the same room.
  • In OoT, the Bubbles' eye color and Aviel's clothes color are dictated Link's tunic color. Both are overruled by the flashing of Bombchus. Blue Bubbles also go crazy when a Bombchu is deployed and will chase it incessently really fast.
  • In MQ Water Temple, an additional miniboss is a trio of Stalfos.
  • In MM (or at least 3D), Freezards most commonly drop arrows, but may also drop large magic bottles.
  • Elder Gorman bro's Mystery Milk spoils in 2 minutes, and if Link attempts to warp, Tatl will raise a fuss about potentially spilling it.
  • In MM3D, Poe lanterns vanish along with them.
  • In MM3D, Death Armos appear as dormant statues unless they can see Link, unlike the original where they float around regardless.
  • Death Armos drop magic bottles upon defeat.
  • With a spin attack, one can hit a Poe from the Death Armos room.
  • Twinmold's portal looks like a sand sinkhole in the original and a nebula emitting rainbow lights in the remake, with the arena's main stone square being somewhat visible in the center. Instead of warping through, Link lands on it as a flat surface.
  • In HWL, Phantom Ganon's sword beams can destroy Ganon's "item attack" parts.
  • In PH, digging into the ground where the statue in front of the Temple of Courage comes up (near the Zora Warriors) before it does so results in a clank without a dig; this only is so for the left half of where the statue takes up, though.
  • In PH, Courage is first place blade Traps, Hardhat Beetles, Winders, and Beamos appear.
  • If a Sea Trap spawns too close to an NPC boat, it will go right back under immediately.
  • Island Chief/Honcho tries to goad Link into getting revenge on the Yook. Regardless of choice, Ciela is all for it.
  • A single Rock Chuchu appears in the Temple of Ice.
  • In PH, boulders can be rolled to destroy phantoms and other boulders.
  • In PH, Ciela holds the hammer item, regardless of which fairy is equipped.
  • In PH, the player needs to sign for their first letter (from the postmaster) and the challenge letter from Jolene. The signature from the first time remains.
  • The signature "Master Sword pull" music plays when Link grabs the Phantom Sword.
  • It is possible for the transition between seas to occur during the "do you want to board this ship?" prompt for Beedle's shop.
  • In ST's Sand Temple, the Boss Key is hidden under the sand near a blue Rupee, two red Rupees, and a big green Rupee.
  • To get in the Sand Temple, Link must destroy the array of cannons outside. They take two cannonballs each.
  • In SS, "Metal Shield Moblin" is "モリブリン (鉄の盾)" (as shown here) and in HW, "Shield Moblin" is "鉄盾モリブリン" (as shown here). Nintendo Land's alleged "Shield Moblin" is not given a specific name in-game for any version, so it likely came from a guide. All that remains to this puzzle is the ALBW ones.
  • "Cursed Bokoblin" in SS is "ボコブリン" (Kusare Bokoburin, Rotten Bokoblin) (as shown here) and in BotW is "カースボコブリン" (Kāsu Bokoburin, Curse Bokoblin).
  • The enemy-filled Black Tower becomes accessible after Moonlit Grotto.


Miniboss list in PH[edit]

  • Six Octoroks (Astrid's basement)
  • Four Keese (Temple of Fire, guard small key)
  • Two Zols and two Gels (Temple of Fire, guard Boomerang)
  • Two Fire Bubbles (Temple of Fire)
  • Two yellow Chuchus, two Fire Keese, and a "Face Lamp" (Temple of Fire)
  • One Zora Warrior (Cave on Molida Island, respawns if revisited)
  • Four Ropes (Temple of Wind)
  • Three Rock Chuchus inside rocks (Temple of Wind)
  • Four yellow Chuchus (Temple of the Ocean King, B5, visit 3)
  • Four Miniblins (Temple of the Ocean King, B5, visit 3)
  • Giant Eye Plant (Southwestern Sea near Molida Island)
  • Two Moldorms (Temple of Courage)
  • Jolene (Linebeck's ship, optionally recurring, first appears after the Temple of Courage)
  • Three Poes (Ghost Ship, guards Cubus room)
  • Five Skulltulas (Ghost Ship)
  • Four Fire Bubbles (Temple of the Ocean King, B5, visit 4, optionally repeatable on later visits)
  • Three Moldorms (Temple of the Ocean King, B5, visit 4, optionally repeatable on later visits)
  • Massive Eye (Southeastern Sea near Goron Island)
  • Two Fire Bubbles with two Beamos (Goron Temple)
  • One Eye Brute (Goron Temple, guards Gongoron)
  • Two Eye Brutes (Goron Temple)
  • Brown Yook (Great Ice Field, can be done before Goron place/Massive Eye)
  • A white Yook and a brown Yook (Temple of Ice, guard grappling hook)
  • A white Yook and a Zol (Temple of Ice, smaller than average battlefield)
  • A brown Yook and two Ice Keese (Temple of Ice, guard a big red Rupee)
  • Four stationary Octoroks, a yellow Chuchu, a blue Chuchu, and a Zora Warrior (Man of Smiles's ship, optional and repeatable)
  • Giant Eye Plant (Northwestern Sea near Bannan Island, optional)
  • One Zora Warrior (Cave on the Isle of Ruins)
  • Two Stalfos (Mutoh's Temple, twice in either order, on west and east paths)
  • Two Stalfos and one Rupee Like (Mutoh's Temple, guard hammer)
  • Two Stalfos Warriors (Mutoh's Temple)
  • Jolene (Linebeck's ship, final encounter)

Miniboss list in ST[edit]

  • Two Rats running in a circle around Zelda (Tunnel to the Tower)
  • Two brown Spinuts and a green Spinut (Forest Temple, guard big green Rupee)
  • Four Vengases (Forest Temple, guard Whirlwind)
  • Two Bubbles (Forest Temple)
  • Mothula (Forest Temple)
  • One Geozard (Tower of Spirits floor 6)
  • Rocktite (Cave near Anouki Village)
  • Three Ice Keese (Snow Temple, guard boomerang)
  • Four Mini Freezards (Snow Temple)
  • Four White Wolfos (Snow Temple)
  • Two Geozards (Tower of Spirits floor 6, optional, opens room with three small treasure chests with common treasures (two Bee Larvae and one Stalfos Skull?) and one big one with a largely rare one (Palace Dish?))
  • Geozard Chief (Tower of Spirits floor 11, guards medium-rare treasure (Ancient Gold Piece?))
  • Big Blin (Spirit Train in Ocean Realm, assisted by Miniblins)
  • Snapper (Ocean Temple, guards whip)
  • Two Helmet Chuchus (Ocean Temple)
  • Two Metal Chuchus (Ocean Temple)
  • Three Ice Keese and five Octives (Snowdrift Station, optional)
  • Four Mini Freezards in small, torchless room (Snowdrift Station, optional, leads to room with Alchemy Stone)
  • Three Stalfos (Fire Temple)
  • Heatoise (Fire Temple, "assisted" by two Moldolas, guards bow and arrow)
  • Four Stalfos across two gaps (Fire Temple)
  • Two Heatoises (Fire Temple, guard minorly rare treasure (Ruto Crown? First I got lol))
  • Four Stalfos followed by three Geozards assisted by respawning Rats (Tower of Spirits floor 21, causes normal Phantoms to appear)
  • Rocktite (Cave in Sand Realm as a "trial")
  • Six Stalfos fought three at a time (Sand Temple, triggered by opening trapped chest with a green Rupee, guard small key. After Sand Wand is obtained, room contains three Ergtoroks as normal enemies.)
  • Three Stalfos Warriors (Sand Temple)
  • Two Gerunes (Sand Temple; encountered as invincible enemies before, but the miniboss encounter only triggers when Link returns with the Sand Wand)
  • Four Ergtoroks (Sand Temple)
  • Rocktite (Cave near Dark Ore Mine when entered through north entrance, optional, battle can end prematurely)

Take 'em All On![edit]

Level 1[edit]

  • Six Spinuts
  • Seven Octoroks
  • Four Bubbles and five Rats
  • Six red Chuchus
  • Six Blastworms
  • Six Keese
  • Two Mothulas
  • Three Spinuts and three Octoroks
  • Four spawning Chuchus, four Spinuts, and four Octoroks
  • Stagnox

Level 2[edit]

  • Six Spinuts and six Keese
  • Four White Wolfos
  • Six Mini Freezards
  • Five Ice Chu Chus
  • Two Geozards
  • Stagnox
  • Twenty Rats
  • Four Octives
  • Geozard Chief
  • Fraaz
  • Two Snappers
  • Sixteen green Spinuts
  • Eleven stationary Octoroks alongside pits by a bridge
  • Phytops

Level 3[edit]

  • Four Metal Chuchus and four Helmet Chuchus
  • Sixteen green Spinuts on ice
  • Six Stalfos
  • Six Ice Keese and seven Fire Keese
  • Three Big Blins
  • Six Stalfos Warriors
  • Five Gerunes
  • Five Ergtoroks
  • Four Heatoises ("assisted" by two Moldolas, bow and other items locked)
  • Twelve Mini Freezards on ice (no torches around)
  • Stagnox
  • Fraaz
  • Phytops
  • Cragma
  • Skeldritch
  • Shadow Link

Passenger list in ST[edit]

First two[edit]

  • Bridge worker from his home to Trading Post
  • Carben from Papuchia to Ocean Sanctuary, unavoidable pirate encounter. Unlocks area south of Trading Post, where a force gem gate leads to near Wellspring.

After Ocean Temple[edit]

  • Teacher from Castle Town to Aboda, 300 Rupee reward
  • Aboda boy to Beedle's shop, unlocks shortcut between forest near temple and Castle Town.
  • Bunnio's wife from Castle Town to Rabbitland Rescue, unlocks alternate route between RR and Forest Sanctuary.
  • Whittleton chief to Papuchia, optional other two guys first (wood-seller decides lady isn't his type, she finds pointy hair guy too odd-looking). Must be started by talking to the woman after completing OT. Unlocks path north of Trading Post.
  • Bridge worker to Anouki Village. Must be started by talking to Yeko after completing OT. Gets Link a medium-rare treasure if lumber is not already brought.
  • Noko from Anouki Village to Wellspring Station, unlocks lower path between Anouki Village and the Bridge Worker's House, connected to Forest Realm near Forest Temple. (required)

After getting freight car[edit]

  • Teacher from Castle Town to Anouki Village, 300 Rupee reward
  • Ferrus from Ice Realm train tangle to Aboda, must be started by receiving his letter. Unlocks tunnel route behind Castle Town.

After Fire Temple[edit]

  • Goron from Goron Village to Anouki Village, unlocks path north and west of Wellspring.
  • Kofu from Anouki Village to Goron Village, requires previous passenger delivery to start. Unlocks northern path between Snow and Fire Realms.
  • Goron child from Goron Village to Castle Town, unlocks northern path connecting east and west sections of the Fire Realm, as well as Disorientation Station.
  • Prisoner from Pirate Hideout to Papuchia, unlocks small N-S bridge beside Ocean Sanctuary and E-W path east of Pirate Hideout.

After Sand Temple[edit]

  • Ferrus from Fire Realm former Dark Train area to Ocean Temple. Exact initialization unclear, the letter didn't occur until I had beaten the last stage of Take 'em All On, gave Rael some Cuccos, went through all the puzzles at Ends of the Earth Station, got the Gold Card for Beedle's Shop in Castle Town, and went to the Trading Post, where I found his letter in the mailbox. Unlocks path and tunnel in the western Fire Realm to the Dark Ore Mine. (When I got back to the Trading Post from there, I got another letter from him (and got a Gold Piece in the forest) and one from Kagoron...)

Delivery list in ST[edit]

After getting freight car[edit]

  • Mega Ice from Wellspring to Goron Village (required, Dark Train blocks direct route)
  • 10 pieces of Mega Ice from Wellspring to Goron Village, unlocks path south of Goron Target game, but does not make it to tunnel.
  • 10 fish from Papuchia to Castle Town, unlocks path south of Tower and north of romance sidequest's reward. Leads a small amount into Ocean Realm. Pirate's Hideout nearby, but not reachable. Can be repeated for treasures.
  • 10 Cuccos from Castle Town to Aboda, requires two trips at least. Unlocks forest/tunnel route from southern forest entrance to Rabbitland reward.
  • 15 logs from Whittleton to Anouki village, unlocks path beside Snow Temple to Snowdrift Station if bridge worker is already there.
  • One vessel from Papuchia to Snow Sanctuary, unlocks northern tunnel to Slippery Station.
  • 5 iron beams from Goron Village to Whittleton, unlocks path west of Forest Temple and north of RR leading to Snow Realm.

After Fire Temple (exact interval unclear as I missed it until later)[edit]

  • 10 pieces of Mega Ice from Wellspring to Papuchia, unlocks path from Papuchia to Tower track with Pirate's Hideout included.

After Sand Temple[edit]

  • 5 Cuccos from Castle Town to Sand Sanctuary, unlocks northeastern path in Fire Realm leading to Ends of the Earth Station.
  • 5 Dark Ore pieces from Dark Ore Mine to Trading Post, unlocks path to Lost at Sea Station.


In battle, Byrne is faced in a circular arena surrounded by eight pillars, which he leaps between. He then stops, fires three energy blasts at Link, leaps around again, fires three more energy blasts, leaps some more, and finally fires his extendable gauntlet, with its path marked by a purple reticule. He aims at Link, but if he hits Zelda instead, she will be grabbed and stunned and ask for help. Attacking it will cause it to retract, and the cycle repeats. If he grabs Link, Zelda will save him without player input. If he grabs neither, the claw will get stuck to the ground, allowing Zelda to grab him and pull him down to the arena, where he is stunned and vulnerable.

For the second phase, he now fires one blast at a time in different places three times before charging up a large blast to stun Zelda with, whom he then aims his gauntlet at. However, she can still be nudged out of its path.

Next, Byrne forgoes the pillars and starts fighting hand-to-hand. He does short hops, occasionally swiping. He blocks with his gauntlet and eventually pushes away before preparing to charge at him. Zelda warns Link to get out of the way; if the attack hits him, Zelda's back, or the wall, he goes back to fighting with his hands. If Byrne runs into Zelda's front instead, they will deadlock with their arms, allowing Link to attack his back. Once this is done twice, Byrne is defeated.

Later, Anjean rewards a required Force Gem that opens the west half of the desert from the Ocean Realm.


Brown, lantern[edit]

  • Forsaken Fortress (1st and 2nd visits)
  • Forest of Fairies (later visits, night)
  • Northern Fairy Island sub
  • Earth Temple (first room)
  • Savage Labyrinth (floor 39)
  • Ganon's Castle (final staircase)

Teal, no lantern[edit]

  • Dragon Roost Cavern (miniboss)
  • Forbidden Woods
  • Forest of Fairies (later visits, day)
  • Star Island secret cave
  • Sunken Hyrule Castle
  • Ice Ring Isle secret cave
  • Stone Watcher Island secret cave
  • Six-Eye Reef sub
  • Shark Island secret cave
  • Earth Temple first room
  • Wind Temple (miniboss summon)
  • Savage Labyrinth (floors 10, 37, and 47)
  • Pawprint Island secret cave (summon)
  • Hyrule path
  • Ganon's Castle (Illusionary Room branch)

Unknown type found in noclip in branches of Phantom Ganon maze



  • Green: Tower of the Gods (miniboss), Shark Island secret cave, Savage Labyrinth floor 27 v
  • White: Sunken Hyrule Castle, Shark Island secret cave, Wind Temple v
  • Red: Hyrule path v


  • White: Sunken Hyrule Castle, Stone Watcher Island secret cave, Savage Labyrinth floor 30 v
  • Gold: Shark Island secret cave, Wind Temple (miniboss summon), Overlook Island secret cave, Savage Labyrinth floor 30 v
  • Silver: Shark Island secret cave, Earth Temple, Overlook Island secret cave, Savage Labyrinth floor 47 v
  • Black: Shark Island secret cave, Wind Temple (captain), Savage Labyrinth floor 48 V
  • Red: Ice Ring Isle secret cave, Shark Island secret cave, Savage Labyrinth floor 50 (captain), Ganon's Castle final staircase (captain) vV


  • Black: Hyrule Castle basement (miniboss pair, captain)
  • Red: Ganon's Castle final staircase (pair, one is captain)

3 red captains either shield or cape found in noclip in branch of Phantom Ganon maze.
A silver captain appears in test map d.
Two normal greens, one white shield, and one gold shield appear in the battle scenario test for Stone Watcher Island.
Noclip does not distinguish between shield and cape. Still need a way to rip black non-captain, as labyrinth is not ripped and Shark Island has them in the same position as several other enemies.

Miniboss list in ALBW[edit]

(Bold=frantic music, Bold + Italic=boss music)

  • Three Poes (passage to sanctuary, later respawn as enemies)
  • Three followed by four blue Popos (Eastern Palace, guard compass)
  • Four Armos activated by a button (Eastern Palace, guard warp)
  • Three white Stalfos (Eastern Palace, guard Big Key)
  • Three Fire Bubbles (House of Gales, guard key)
  • Two Heedles (House of Gales, guard warp)
  • Eight Fire Bubbles (House of Gales, guard purple Rupee)
  • Five red Stalfos (Tower of Hera, guard warp)
  • Two green and one red Goriyas (Dark Palace)
  • Two green and one red Goriyas (Dark Palace, guard warp)
  • One yellow Gigabari (Swamp Palace, guards warp)
  • Four Gyorms (Swamp Palace)
  • Two purple Mini-Moldorms and three Gibdos (Skull Woods, guard warp, two Gibdos need beaten with Wallmaster)
  • Five red Eyegores (Thieves' Hideout, guard warp and key)
  • Four Pengators and one Big Pengator (Ice Ruins, guard warp, may be assisted by an Ice Bubble if it is not defeated before they spawn)
  • One Hokkubokku (Desert Palace, guards key which cannot be obtained until Titan's Mitt)
  • 32 flying tiles followed by two Devalants (Desert Palace, guard warp)
  • Four Leevers followed by two Devalants (Desert Palace, guard key)
  • Three red Eyegores (Lorule passage to sanctuary, optional, later respawn as enemies)
  • One Fire Wizzrobe followed by a Fire Wizzrobe and an Ice Wizzrobe (Turtle Rock)
  • Four Fire Gimos (Turtle Rock, guard warp)
  • Purple Moldorm (Lorule Castle)
  • Purple Gigabari (Lorule Castle)
  • Lorule Soldier (ball and chain) (Lorule Castle)
  • Yellow Arrghus (Lorule Castle)

TAOL wild encounter list[edit]

(Note:"southwest" is as far north as Moruge Swamp and as far South as Death Mountain Area, while the River Devil and blockades separate on the east. Also, certain enemies (like Bits and Bots) respawn if their spawning point is far enough offscreen)

location palette
Northwest Hyrule, Light 3 Bits, 2 Bots 3 Bits, ∞ run Molblins
Northwest Hyrule, Dark 3 red Deelers, ∞ run Molblins (tall trees background) 2 red Deelers, 2 orange Molblins (tall trees background)
Northwest Hyrule, Light ∞ rocks (cacti background) 2 Bots, 3 Geldarms, ∞ rocks (cacti background)
Southwest Hyrule, Light 2 Bots, 2 Megmats 1 Megmat, 2 orange Goriyas
Southwest Hyrule, Dark 1 red Deeler, 3 blue Deelers, 2 red Molblins (low trees background) ∞ Mobies, 2 blue Deelers, 2 blue Molblins (low trees background)
Southwest Hyrule, Light 5 Geldarms, ∞ rocks (hills) 2 Lowders, 2 blue Goriyas (hills)
Southwest Hyrule, Light 4 stationary red Octoroks, one moving red Octorok ∞ Mobies, 4 stationary red Octoroks, one moving red Octorok
Southwest Hyrule, Light 7 red Moas 3 red Moas, 2 red Dairas
Northeast Hyrule, Light 3 Tektites 2 Tektites, 1 Boon
Northeast Hyrule, Dark 6 Gehlbachs 3 red Deelers, 3 blue Deelers, 4 Gehlbachs
Northeast Hyrule, Light 6 Leevers, 2 blue Octoroks 5 Leevers, 1 Zola
Southeast Hyrule, Dark 2 red Deelers, 2 orange Gails 2 blue Deelers, 2 red Gails
Southeast Hyrule, Light 2 Arlowders 3 Leevers, 2 Arlowders
Southeast Hyrule, Light 1 Boon, 6 Gehlbachs 1 Boon, 2 stationary blue Octoroks, 1 moving blue Octorok
Southeast Hyrule, Light 8 blue Moas 4 blue Moas, 2 blue Gails
Southeast Hyrule, Light 2 Gehlbachs, 4 blue Moas 4 blue Moas, 2 blue Gails

TAOL scripted encounter list[edit]

(special thanks to NESmaps)

location palette enemies items
Cave by North Castle, Dark 3 Lowders, 3 red Octoroks 1 Magic Container
Grove in northwest Hyrule, Dark 3 Aches 1 EXP bag (+50)
Goriya's cave, Dark 1 Ache, 2 red Octoroks, 1 red Goriya Trophy
Cave to Parapa Desert, Dark 1 Lowder None
Path on Parapa coast, Light ∞ rising bubbles None
Grove on Parapa coast, Light 1 orange Goriya Heart Container
Cave after Rauru, Dark r1: 4 red Octoroks, 1 red Goriya; r2: 4 Lowders, 1 red Goriya; r3: 2 Aches, 1 Acheman None
Grove above Moruge Swamp, Dark None Fairy
Moruge Swamp treasure, Light None Doll
Cave north of Midoro Swamp, Dark 5 Megmats, 1 orange Goriya 1 EXP bag (+200)
Bridge north of Saria, Light ∞ Bago-Bagos None
Grove near Saria, Dark 7 Megmats 1 EXP bag (+100)
Bridge east of Saria, Light ∞ rising bubbles, 4 Lowders None
Grove on forest coast, Dark None Fairy
West of Bug's house, Dark 5 Megmats None
Bug's house, Village None None
Westmost forest encounter, Dark 5 Megmats None
South of Bug's house, Dark 7 Megmats None
Eastmost forest encounter, Dark 5 Megmats None
Southmost forest encounter, Dark None None
Path in Midoro Swamp, Light None 1 Magic Bottle (red)
Midoro Swamp treasure, Light None 1 Magic Bottle (red)
Cave in Death Mountain 1, Dark 8 Megmats None
Cave in Death Mountain 2, Dark 5 moving red Octoroks None
Cave in Death Mountain 3, Dark ∞ Bago-Bagos None
Cave in Death Mountain 4, Dark 1 blue Molblin, 3 moving red Octoroks None
Cave in Death Mountain 5, Dark 6 red Octoroks None
Cave in Death Mountain 6, Dark 5 Bots, 2 red Molblins None
Cave in Death Mountain 7, Dark 6 red Octoroks, 1 blue Goriya None
Cave in Death Mountain 8, Dark f1: 2 Bots, 3 Aches, 1 orange Daira; f2: 2 Lowders, 1 red Goriya, 1 orange Daira None
Cave in Death Mountain 9, Dark f1: ∞ Bago-Bagos; f2: 1 Lowder, 3 Megmats, 1 Ache, 1 orange Daira None
Cave in Death Mountain 10, Dark 6 red Octoroks None
Cave in Death Mountain 11, Dark ∞ Bago-Bagos None
Cave in Death Mountain 12, Dark 3 Bots, 1 red Daira 1 red magic bottle
Cave in Death Mountain 13, Dark 4 Aches, 1 blue Goriya, 1 orange Daira None
Cave in Death Mountain 14, Dark 5 Bits, 2 orange Dairas None
Cave to Death Mountain Area, Dark 4 Bots, 2 orange Dairas 1 red magic bottle
Spectacle Rock east, Dark upper left: 1 red Daira, 2 Lowders, 2 Achemen; upper middle: 3 Megmats, 1 orange Daira, 3 Lowders; upper right: 3 red Octoroks;
lower left: 3 red Octoroks; lower middle: 2 Myus, 2 red Dairas; lower right: 1 Myu; lower righter: 1 orange Daira, 1 red Daira
lower left: 1 red magic bottle; lower righter: Hammer
Spectacle Rock west, Dark None Magic Container
Cave from Death Mountain Area, Dark 4 red Octoroks None
Bridge near Death Mountain, Light r1: 1 red Molblin, 1 blue Molblin, 1 Lowder; r2: ∞ rising bubbles, 1 red Daira None
Boulder cave near Midoro Swamp, Dark 1 Myu, 2 Lowders, 1 blue Goriya Heart Container
Moruge Swamp cave, Dark r1: ∞ Bago-Bagos, 4 Lowders; r2: 1 orange Daira, 2 red Dairas Water of Life
Desert treasure, Light None Doll
King's Tomb (JP)/Graveyard treasure (U), Light 4 Bots, 1 blue Goriya 1 red magic bottle
King's Tomb (U), Village None None
Cave to Island Palace, Dark r1: 4 Lowders; r2: 1 Myu, 2 Lowders, 1 blue Goriya None
Grove in east Hyrule, Light 4 Gehlbachs 1 EXP bag (+200)
Pondside forest treasure, Dark None Fairy
Cave south of Nabooru, Light r1: 2 Tektites; r2: 1 Arlowder 1 EXP bag (+500)
Thin coast treasure, Light None 1 EXP bag (+500)
Wide coast treasure, Light None Red magic bottle
Cave North of Nabooru, Light 3 Achemen, 1 Zola None
Path to Darunia 1, Light 6 moving blue Octoroks None
Path to Darunia 2, Light ∞ rising bubbles, 4 moving blue Octoroks None
Forest coast treasure, Light None Doll
Maze Island child spot, Light 1 orange Gail Child
Maze Island southmost encounter, Light 1 Zola, 2 Tektites None
Maze Island bridge loop, Light 3 blue Octoroks, 1 Tektite None
Maze Island westmost encounter, Light None Magic Container
Maze Island after north bridge, Light 1 Tektite, 2 Zolas None
Maze Island unavoidable encounter, Light 1 Bot, 2 Zolas, 1 Tektite None
Maze Island north shortcut, Light 2 Tektites, 2 blue Octoroks 1 red magic bottle
Maze Island northmost encounter, Light 3 Zolas None
Maze Island path to palace, Light 2 Boons None
Sea treasure, Light None Heart Container
First barricade, Dark 1 orange Gail, 3 rock Gails None
Second barricade, Dark 1 Zola, 3 rock Gails None
Third barricade, Dark 1 orange Gail, 3 rock Gails None
Southwest swamp upper corner treasure, Light 1 Boon Doll
Southwest Swamp Cave, Light r1: 4 Gehlbachs; r2: 1 Arlowder 1 EXP bag (+500)
Bridge to Three-Eye Rock forest, Light ∞ Bago-Bagos, 1 Zola None
Lakeside forest treasure, Dark 1 red Gail 1 EXP bag (+500)
Three-Eye Rock coast treasure, Light None Heart Container
Bridge to Old Kasuto, Light ∞ Bago-Bagos, 1 Zola None
Cave to New Kasuto, Light r1: 3 Tektites; r2: 1 orange Gail, 1 red Gail None
Path to Valley of Death, Dark 3 blue Moas, 3 rock Gails None
Valley of Death southeast, Dark None Red magic bottle
Valley of Death southwest, Light 2 orange Gails, 3 blue Moas, 1 Gehlbach None
Valley of Death branch, Dark None 1 EXP bag (+500)
Valley of Death northeast, Light 2 orange Gails, 3 blue Moas, 1 Gehlbach None
Valley of Death east cave, Light r1: 5 Gehlbachs, 2 blue Moas; r2: 1 Arlowder, 1 blue Gail None
Valley of Death northwest, Light 2 red Gails, 3 blue Moas, 1 Gehlbach None
Valley of Death west cave, Light 1 blue Gail, 1 red Gail None

RMV's A&A uploads I need to check size of and replace if necessaryTM[edit]

Navtemps for potential implementation[edit]

Zelda's Adventure: The Legend of the Celestial Signs enemies[edit]

Special thanks to the Dutch CD-i magazine, of which the last three issues (all from 1999) were my sources: 1 2 3. Also special thanks to Glutko of The Spriters Resource for pointing me to them and ripping sprites from the game itself, and LTL for his list on LA names.

Note that while most enemies are given "proper" names, some are named via generic (Dutch) terms and phrases in lowercase. All items are (roughly) in the order they are mentioned in the guide, which will not necessarily jive with when they are first encountered (a notable case being Pols Voice, which isn't mentioned until the Shrine of Destiny section despite being a sort-of miniboss in the Shrine of Illusion).

name issue page Sprite/image Current ZW name Description
Goriya 1 IV Goriya Purple roaring guy who throws boomerangs
Molblin1 1 IV Moblin Gray guy in woods
Peahat 1 IV Peahat Plant that spits peas
Tumblebot 1 V Unknown enemy Rolling blue slime head
Deeler 1 V Deeler Forest spiders
Leever 1 V Leever It's Leever but bendy and not spinny
Mobie2 1 V Moby Red bird
Tektite 1 V Tektite Spindly spider
vleermuis [bat] / Bat3 1 / 2 V (respective) Keese Large purple bat
Sardak 1 V Sardak Llort's minions
Llort 1 V Llort Boss 1
lichtstraal [light beam] 1 V barrier Laser blocker
slang [snake] 1 V Snake [links to Rope] Totally not Rope, no sir uhn-uh.
Octorok / Oktorok4 1 / 3 VI / V Octorok Large octopus
onzichtbare man
[invisible man]
1 VI Mimic Mole Basically Geldman, I call it "Moldman." Makes a laser noise.
spiezen [skewers]5 1 VI Floor Spikes Spikes used for roadblocking
Zola6 1 VI Swamp Zola [links to "Zora (enemy)"] Immobile fish-man
Dolomite 1 VI Unknown (rock-throwing enemy) Rockman Trigger
Molluska 1 VI Molluska Pile of appendages under a rock, spits pearls
Jackaroo 1 VI Jackaroo Ugly purple hopping thing
Stalfos 1 VI Stalfos Stalfos
Vire 1 VI Vire Giant flying gargoyle thing
Wizzrobe 1 VII Wizzrobe Cloaked sorceror
Patra 1 VII Patra Flying eyeball
Pasquinade 1 VII Pasquinade Boss 2
Wall Master 1 VII Wallmaster Giant falling hand
Lowder7 2 IV Lowder Isopodshoe crab
Bounder 2 IV Bago-Bago Water-spitting fish
Mardleg8 2 IV Lanmola Purple centipede
Alligaroo 2 V Unknown enemy Daira-like thing
waterspout 2 V unmentioned Water tornado
Cactorok 2 V Cactus Cactus
Romraven 2 V Romraven Variably sized and colored birds9
Tornado 2 V Tornado Tiny whirlwind
Loccasin 2 V Loccasin Giant fly
kristallen shard
[crystal shard]
2 V Crystal Shard Belligerent gemstone chunk
Vapora 2 V Vapora Giant white fluffball
Puffer 2 V Unknown enemy Small mandrill head...thing
Dragonfly 2 V Dragonfly [shares page with MM enemy] Large dragonfly
Volta 2 VI Volta Humanoid bird
Avianna10 2 VI Aviana Boss 3
Pols Voice 2 VI Pols Voice Creepy-faced giant rabbit head
gespijkerde blokken
[nailed block]
2 VI Spiked Block [links to Blade Trap] Trap
Gibdo 2 VI Gibdo The mummy man himself
Jack 2 VI Jack [links to Bubble] Spinning marble cluster resembling Anti-Faerie
Malmord 2 VI Malmord Boss 4
Sea Eagle 3 IV Unknown enemy Desert Romraven with inverted colors
Sea Zola 3 IV Swamp Zola [links to "Zora (enemy)"] Blue Zola found near beach
zeemonster [sea monster] 3 IV Sea Monster Ol' Nessie
[giant squid]
3 IV Giant Squid Land squid
speren [spears] 3 IV Spear Wall spear
Zol 3 IV Zol Red pearblob
Kelpi 3 V Kelpi AgWanda's minions
AgWanda 3 V Agwanda Boss 5
schildpadden [turtles] 3 V Turtle (Zelda's Adventure) Swimming sea turtle, goes backwards when moving laterally
roggen [rays] 3 V unmentioned Small ray
Mongchip 3 V Unknown enemy Troll/dwarf enemy with axe
Ganon11 3 V Ganon "That Prince of Badness" himself
3 V Pickpocket [shares page with Thief] Dialog pickpocket
Iron Knuckle 3 V Iron Knuckle Dark-Not
Roder Ridder/
Rode Ridder

[Red Knight]12
3 V Knight (Zelda's Adventure) Ursaur's first minion
Groen Ritter
[Green Knight]12
3 VI Knight (Zelda's Adventure) Ursaur's third minion
Ursala13 3 VI Ursore Boss 6
Skora 3 VI Crockarock Small, dangerous thing that shoots fireballs
vlammen (flames) 3 VI barrier Blocking fire
Squibber 3 VI Deeler Giant Deeler
Blacksmith 3 VI Blacksmith (Enemy)
[redlinked in multiple places to
"Blacksmith (Zelda's Adventure)"]
Human(?) enemy who's actually named "Blacksmith"
Crockarock 3 VI Unknown enemy Twilight Princess Dodongos shooting rocks
vuurballen [fireballs] 3 VI fire ball Belligerent great balls of fire
Firefly 3 VI Loccasin Small fly
Warbane 3 VI Warbane Boss 7
Kannis 3 VI Kannis Giant dog
Bolla 3 VI Bolla Fireball-spitting monkey things
Maxus 3 VI Maxus Fire arrow archer

1 - known as "Mobilin" in-game
2 - singularized as "Mobie" in issue 2 page VI
3 - called "vleermuis" in the Shrine of Rock section and "Bat" in the Shrine of Air section
4 - spelled "Octorok" in the pre-Shrine of Illusion section and "Oktorok" in the Shrine of Water section
5 - called "spikes" in the manual, page 8
6 - called "Swamp Zola" in the manual, page 5
7 - misspelled "Lowter" once in issue 2 page V
8 - misspelled "Marleg" once in issue 3 page IV
9 - the guide uses "Romraven" for the purple duck-like birds found in the desert, the gray crow-like birds found in the Shrine of Destiny, and the off-white dove-like birds found in the Shrine of Fire; ZW only has a picture of the Destiny one; for the desert one, they use Sea Eagle's picture with the "unknown enemy" label
10 - spelled "Aviana" in the manual, page 6
11 - spelled "Gannon" in the game's opening, only mentioned in the guide via "Anti-Ganon soldaten [soldiers]"
12 - The Blue Knight is not mentioned directly by the book, with the Green Knight being described in his location and Green's typical location being described as empty. However, it does acknowledge "drie ridders" [three knights] and Ursaur refers to him as his "blue knight" in the game itself
13 - Called "Ursaur" (spelling ambiguous) by Sir Basil in-game

Misc. notes[edit]

  • The writers of this guide used a prototype build of the game, leading to some inconsistencies, notably with items.
  • The ghost dog npc outside the Shrine of Destiny is named "Ghini," like the recurring enemy, in issue 2 page VI. Ethera pronounces it as "djinni" in-game.