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The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

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The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

The North American front box art
Developer(s) Capcom, Flagship
Publisher(s) Nintendo
Release date Game Boy Color:
Japan February 27, 2001
USA May 14, 2001[1]
Europe 2001
Australia 2001
3DS Virtual Console:
Japan February 27, 2013
USA May 30, 2013
Europe May 30, 2013
Australia May 30, 2013
South Korea April 20, 2016
Genre(s) Action-adventure
Rating(s) Game Boy Color:
ESRB: - Everyone
ACB: - Eight years and older
3DS Virtual Console:
ESRB: - Everyone
PEGI: - Seven years and older
CERO: - All ages
ACB: - Parental guidance
Console(s) Game Boy Color, Virtual Console (3DS)
Mode(s) Single player

The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons is a The Legend of Zelda game for the Game Boy Color. It was developed by Capcom and Flagship. The game was released in tandem with The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages in 2001. The Oracle games make up the seventh and eighth installments of The Legend of Zelda series, and both are the first games of the main series that were not developed by Nintendo.

The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons is named after the Din, whose title is the Oracle of Seasons. The game takes place in Holodrum, where Link is sent to rescue Din from Onox, the self-proclaimed General of Darkness. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons is more action-focused than The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, which is more puzzle-oriented. The Oracle games are the last Game Boy Color games that Nintendo was directly involved with because of the Game Boy Advance's impending release at the time. Both games have unique features when played on a Game Boy Advance.

Both games can be interconnected through the Link System; after completing either game, the player can transfer their progress to the other game by either entering a password or by using a Game Boy Color-compatible Game Link cable. This is the only way for the player to achieve the true ending in each game.

In 2013, the Oracle games were released for the Nintendo 3DS's Virtual Console simultaneously.


In the opening, Link travels on the back of Epona to a castle (most likely Hyrule Castle) where the Triforce is held. The Spirit of the Triforce tells Link the world is in need of his heroics, and teleports him away. He lands in Holodrum, where he is knocked out by the fall but nursed back to health by Din, a dancer from a troupe of performers. However, she is actually the Oracle of Seasons in hiding from the evil general Onox, who swoops in at that moment to kidnap her. He imprisons her in a crystal, causing the Temple of Seasons to collapse, and causing the seasons across Holodrum to fall into disarray, causing damage to the natural order.

Link visits the Maku Tree for advice, but finds that with nature messed up, the tree has withered into a frail, forgetful state. Link is tasked with finding the eight Essences of Nature to restore his power. Along the way, he finds a dark parallel world called Subrosia, where the remains of the Temple of Seasons are. Inside, he gains the Rod of Seasons. Over the course of the game, he must return to imbue the rod with the power of each of the four seasons, allowing Link to use the rod to switch the region's current season.

After several essences have been gathered, the Gerudo witch pair Twinrova reveal themselves to be behind Onox's plot, hoping to sow destruction as part of a ritual. Eventually, Link restores the Maku Tree, who gives him a Huge Maku Seed that allows Link to enter Onox's Castle and fight the general head-on. After defeating him and freeing Din, the seasons are restored. However, Onox successfully managed to light Twinrova's Flame of Destruction.

In a Linked Game, Princess Zelda arrives midway through, and ends up kidnapped by Twinrova while she rallies the people of Horon Village. Link must travel to the Room of Rites where they have taken her as a sacrifice to revive Ganon. After defeating Twinrova, they sacrifice themselves instead, causing Ganon to resurrect as a mindless beast. Upon defeating him, the dungeon begins to collapse, and Link and Zelda are rescued by the Maku Tree's power. After a celebration, Link sets off in a boat to parts unknown, potentially setting up for the plot of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.


Playable character[edit]

Sprite Name Description
Link The hero of the Essences of Time and Nature.

Supporting characters[edit]

Sprite Name Ages? Description
Din 2 The Oracle of Seasons, an exotic dancer who is kidnapped and imprisoned by Onox.
Dimitri A friendly Dodongo who is one of Link's animal friends. He is an excellent swimmer (even going up waterfalls) and can eat a majority of enemies, but cannot jump at all.
Great Fairy Large fairies that can heal all of Link's life energy when found.
Impa Zelda's attendant, Impa is among the troupe of performers attempting to sneak Din to safety in the beginning. She is injured during Onox's attack, and as such mostly gives advice throughout the game at Impa's Refuge.

Maku Tree An ancient tree that is the guardian of Holodrum. Due to a combination of his age and the missing Essences of Nature, he is now sleepy, weak, and forgetful.
Moosh A flying bear who is one of Link's animal friends. He can fly for a prolonged period, but his only attack is an ungainly charging downward pound with a short area of effect and he drops and sinks immediately if he flies over water.
Nayru1 The Oracle of Ages, Nayru appears to open the path to the Room of Rites alongside Din in a Linked Game.
Princess Zelda1 2 The princess of Hyrule, Zelda travels to Holodrum in a linked game to help boost morale. She ends up kidnapped by Twinrova near the end.
Ricky A boxing kangaroo who is one of Link's animal friends. He is quick, can jump up walls and across short gaps, and has a long-range charging attack, but he cannot move across water and he is restricted to linear movements with his jumps.
Twinrova The true villains of the game, individually named Koume and Kotake, Twinrova use Onox as part of their evil plan to revive Ganon.

1 - Only appears in the linked game
2 - Only appears in The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages's linked game

Other characters[edit]

Sprite Name Ages? Description
Biggoron A huge Goron that lives at Goron Mountain. Due to his size, he cannot fit inside the caves, and has fallen ill from the extra-cold winter.
Biologist A researcher in Horon Village that tells Link of various creatures across the land.
Bipin An arborist who tells Link tips about Gasha Trees.

Bipsom The son of Bipin and Blossom, Link's choices throughout his development affect how he grows. In an unlinked game, he grows from a baby to a child, and in a linked game, from a kid to an adult.
Blaino A boxing champion in North Horon, he won Ricky's Gloves in a bet and must be fought to take them back.
Blossom Bipsom's mother, who is usually shown caring for her son. Occasionally, she asks Link for advice.
Blue Snake One of Vasu's snakes. It can use a Game Link cable to send Magical Rings between two games. He cannot be spoken to in the 3DS Virtual Console port.

Business Scrub Deku Scrubs that sell wares in various areas.
Cap'n The captain of the skeletal pirates who ended up in Subrosia. He refuses to leave until his bell is recovered, though this causes him to lose his sea legs.
Clockmaker A tinkerer in Horon Village.
Cucco Simple chickens that summon a swarm of invulnerable attacking chickens if attacked to much.
Cucco Chick Baby chickens that follow Link around.
Deku Scrub 4 Music-loving plant-like beings found underground in certain areas.
Desert pirate A pirate sent to find the Pirate's Bell in the Samasa Desert, he has been reduced to a skull by a sandstorm.
Dr. Troy's pupil3 An apprentice of Dr. Troy of Labrynna, he can be found listening to the Phonograph Man in a linked game.
Farmer A lady found tending her crops in Horon Village.
Farore The Oracle of Secrets, she is prominent in a Linked Game as the character who transfers secrets between the two games.
Fireworks Subrosian A Subrosian who can be found throwing random garbage into a lava pit in an attempt to cause an eruption.
Flash A dog living in Horon Village.
Flash's owner A boy who likes to play fetch with his dog.
Floodgate Keeper A man who controls the floodgates at Spool Swamp.
Flying Cucco Blue Cuccos capable of flight found at Mt. Cucco.
Ghost 4 Ghosts that appear to give and take secrets in a Linked Game or from Oracle of Ages's Linke Game.
Goron A rock-eating people found at Goron Mountain.
Great Furnace operator A Subrosian who smelts Rare Ore at the Great Furnace.
Great Moblin The bullying leader of the Pig Warriors, he ends up destitute after Link defeats him and is resigned to rebuilding his bomb supply with his remaining minions.
Holly A girl in the Woods of Winter who is confused when Link comes down her chimney.
Homing pigeon3 A bird that tells Impa of Zelda's arrival in a Linked Game.
House of Pirates owner A Subrosian who allowed the pirates to stay at his home, and now regrets that decision.

Human The most common people of Holodrum.
Ingo A crusty vase-collector living in Sunken City.

Know-It-All Birds A group of pigeons in Horon Village that give Link hints.
Malon A young girl who takes care of Cuccos in her home while her father Talon is away.
Mamamu Yan's mother3 A character found in the Floodgate Keeper's House in a Linked Game, she gives link a secret for her daughter in Labrynna.
Maple A young apprentice witch who Link can collide with to cause both their items to scatter.
Master Diver An elderly diver living in a cave in Sunken City.
Master Diver's son A young man in Sunken City trying to learn his father's secrets.
Master Diver's wife An old lady in Sunken City.
Mayor Ruul The mayor of Horon Village, he is obsessed with Gasha Seeds.
Mittens A cat who is stuck in a tree in North Horon.
Mittens' owner An old man in North Horon trying to get his cat from a tree.
Mrs. Ruul A middle-aged woman living in Holodrum Plain.
Old man Old men are found throughout Holodrum in hidden caves. Some give Rupees if found, but others take them. Others give hints or tasks.
Owl Stone Statues of owls that give hints if sprinkled with a Mystery Seed.
Painter An artist in Horon Village.
Phonograph Man A man found playing music in the Eastern Suburbs.
Pig Warrior Pig-like Moblins who can be found harassing various characters at certain points.
Pirate A group of skeletal sailors who have ended up in Subrosia.
Queen Ambi3 The former queen of Labrynna and lover of the Cap'n, she appears in a Linked Game on a journey of self-discovery through time courtesy of Nayru.
Ralph3 A childhood friend of Nayru, he appears briefly in a Linked Game's ending.
Red Snake One of Vasu's Snakes, he explains Magical Rings and allows them to be transferred between games via a secret.
Rosa 4 A Subrosian pop star with a key that opens any lock.
Safety Patrol Three young boys who attempt to keep peace at Sunken City.

Season Spirits The four spirits inhabiting the Temple of Seasons, they imbue their respective power into the Rod of Seasons.
Sign-Loving Subrosian A Subrosian who collects signs and gets angry if Link destroys any.
Sokra A wandering prophet and minstrel who appears at various points throughout the game.
Stockwell A shopkeeper in Horon Village.
Strange Brothers A pair of Subrosians obsessed with humans' items.

Subrosian 4 A hooded, lava-loving people native to Subrosia.
Subrosian Chef A maker of Lava Soup.
Subrosian Dance Hall instructor The leader of the Subrosian Dance.
Subrosian smiths A pair of blacksmiths in Subrosia that can improve Link's gear if he does not ask nicely.
Syrup A witch who sells Magic Potion and other items from her shop in Sunken City.
Talon A lazy man who fell asleep while climbing Mt. Cucco.

Troupe of performers A group of undercover Hylian Knights who attempted to smuggle Din to safety in the game's beginning.
Vasu An appraiser of Magical Rings found in Horon Village.
Zora3 An inhabitant of Zora Village in Labrynna found scouting the Hero's Cave in a Linked Game.

3 - Only appears in the linked game
4 - Only appears in The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages's linked game



Dungeons in bold are exclusive to the linked game.

Name Description Item Reward Miniboss Boss
Hero's Cave (1) A short dungeon on the Western Shore where Link must retrieve the Wooden Sword to reach the Maku Tree. In a Linked Game, it has a different layout, though most of it cannot be accessed until later items are obtained.
Wooden Sword
Gnarled Root Dungeon A bird-shaped dungeon located in a hollow tree on an island north of Horon Village.
Seed Satchel

Fertile Soil
Goriya Bros. Aquamentus
Snake's Remains A somewhat crescent-shaped dungeon in the Woods of Winter with a disconnected area accessed through another entrance. It requires the ability to switch to winter.
Power Bracelet

Gift of Time
Façade Dodongo
Poison Moth's Lair A dungeon in an elevated cave entrance in Spool Swamp. It requires the ability to switch to summer.
Roc's Feather

Bright Sun
Calamareyes Mothula
Dancing Dragon Dungeon A dragon-shaped dungeon found on Mt. Cucco. It requires the ability to switch to spring.

Soothing Rain
Agahnim Gohma
Unicorn's Cave A unicorn head-shaped dungeon near Eyeglass Lake. It requires the ability to switch to fall.
Magnetic Gloves

Nurturing Warmth
Syger Digdogger
Ancient Ruins A tall tower in the deepest reaches of Tarm Ruins.
Magical Boomerang

Blowing Wind
Vire Manhandla
Explorer's Crypt A dungeon found in the Cemetery near the Western Coast.
Roc's Cape

Seed of Life
Poe Sisters Gleeok
Sword & Shield Maze A dungeon inside a living volcano in the northwestern edge of the Subrosian Volcanoes.
Hyper Slingshot

Changing Seasons
Frypolar Medusa Head
Onox's Castle The final dungeon, a linear hall of battles found at the top of the Northern Peak. None Completion None Onox
Hero's Cave (2) An optional extended version of the Hero's Cave found only in the Linked Game. It can be accessed at any point, but requires many items to complete in full.
Power Ring L-3
Room of Rites The final dungeon in a Linked Game, this is a maze full of the Eyes of Deceit trying to trick Link. None True completion None Twinrova


Different areas in the game have a different default season when Link arrives. Depending on how many seasons have been imbued into the Rod of Seasons, he can change them in sequence.

Sprite Name Description
Winter In winter, dense trees lose their leaves, some water freezes to ice, and snow piles up into drifts; some of these drifts form paths, and others must be shoveled away.
Spring In spring, flowers bloom, such as Blast Blooms and rock flowers.
Summer In summer, climbable vines grow thick and certain wetlands flood.
Fall In fall, fallen leaves cover holes in the ground while Rock Mushrooms ripen.


Sprite Name Ages? Description
Amy The younger of the Poe Sisters, she warps around and charges forward with a sword.
Anti-Faerie Skull spirits that bounce around rooms diagonally. They can be defeated with a Boomerang.
Arm-Mimic Haniwa that copy Link's movements in reverse.
Armos Statue Statues that come alive and walk around after a trigger, usually touching them. Only the blue ones are damages by sword attacks.
Baby moth Mothula's offspring, which fly at Link during its battle.
Ball and Chain Guy Strong soldiers wielding a far-reaching flail.
Beetle Crawling arthropods that can sometimes be dug up with the shovel or dropped by Façade.
Buzz Blob Electrical blobs that aimlessly strut around.
Cheep Cheep Fish that swim around in side-scrolling areas.
Crow Birds that fly at Link from the edge of the screen.
Cukeman The result of hitting a Buzz Blob with a Mystery Seed, these act similar, but can be spoken to, causing them to say bizarre things.

Deku Scrub Giant nut-like creatures that spit Deku Nuts at Link. By reflecting them with the shield, they are stunned and offer information.
Façade A giant face in the floor that attacks Link by manipulating the room, breathing fire, and summoning Beetles.
Fire Keese Burning Keese that swoop down at Link to burn him, though this also extinguishes them on contact.
Firebat Evil magic resembling a Fire Keese, Twinrova summons them to attack Link.
Fish Piranhas that swim back-and-forth with their dorsal fins visible, occasionally leaping.
Floormaster Giant hands that sprout from the floor and follow Link. If one catches him, he is taken to the dungeon entrance.
Gel Tiny slimes that are usually split from a red Zol. They grab onto Link and slow him down.
Ghost Simple spirit enemies that fly back and forth.
Gibdo Mummies that walk around unflinchingly. Burning them reveals a Stalfos.

Gohma Larva The offspring of Gohma released in the second half of its battle. Some slide around, and others hop.

Golden beasts Four strong versions of different enemies found across the land during specific seasons and places. An old man challenges Link to defeat each.
Goponga Flower Immobile swamp plants that are very difficult to destroy and have the ability to shoot fireballs.
Hardhat Beetle Tough shelled enemies that cannot be destroyed, only knocked around and into pits.
Head of Gleeok Gleeok's detached heads, they bounce around the room before attempting to rejoin their body.
Iron Mask Squat creatures with tough helmets. Unless the masks are removed, they can only be hurt from behind.
Keese Quick, weak bats that fly around erratically.
Leever Spinning enemies that burrow out from the sand. The orange ones respawn endlessly.
Like Like Tubular creatures that can eat Link's shield if he is caught in one.
Lynel Strong leonine enemies that inhabit ruins and shoot sword beams.
Magnet Monster Creatures that move quickly and switch between a "north" and "south" side, which the Magnetic Gloves can take advantage of.
Margaret The elder of the Poe Sisters, she teleports around and circles with a flame-dropping lantern.
Mini Moldorm Crazily moving giant caterpillars.
Mini-Digdogger The split form of Digdogger, they roam in a panic and can be attacked with most weapons.

Moblin Common, medium-strength bulldog-like goblins that usually wield spears, but may also use boomerangs.
Octorok Slow and weak octopus monsters that spit rocks forward.
Peahat Plants with a propellor-like flower they use to fly around.

Pig Warrior Common, weak pig goblins that wield various weapons and work for the Great Moblin.
Pincer Moldorms that lunge out from pits when Link approaches.
Podoboo Fireballs that jump out of lava in side-scrolling sections.
Podoboo Tower Tall stacks of fireballs that shoot smaller fireballs before temporarily disappearing.
Pokey Tall cacti that wobble around.
Pols Voice Durable rabbit-like enemies that can only be defeated in a few ways, including with any possible Flute.
Raven Small flying reptiles that swoop at Link.
Rope Charging snakes that can be dug up, fall from the ceiling as a trap, or simply be on the field.
Sand Crab Crabs that move slowly forward and backward, but very fast sideways.
Shrouded Stalfos Robed skeleton warriors that can use spears or swords.

Soldier Powerful knights that can use spears or swords.
Spark Electrical fires that travel along walls. The Boomerang is the only thing that can defeat them.
Spiked Beetle Charging, spiky turtles that must be flipped with a shield before they can be damaged.

Spiny Beetle Weak creatures that hide under objects and scuttle at Link when he approaches.

Stalfos Skeletons with varying behaviors; most of them can jump.
Tektite Hopping spider-like enemies.
Wallmaster Giant hands that fall from the ceiling, taking Link to the dungeon entrance if caught.
Water Tektite Water striders that skate around diagonally.
Whisp Spirits that move around rooms linearly, cursing Link on contact. They cannot be beaten.
Wizzrobe Cloaked magicians that fire spells at Link while appearing, disappearing, or warping.
Zol Large slimes that hop at Link. The red ones split into two Gels.
Zora Aggressive fish people that spit energy balls at passerby.

Traps and obstacles[edit]

Sprite Name Description
Arrow Trap Mechanisms that launch endless arrows at Link when he crosses their path.

Blade Trap Mechanisms that slide along the floor, coming in different colors, speeds, and sizes. Some only move in response to Link, but others are automatic.
Boulder Falling rocks that are summoned by Onox.
Cactus Spiny desert plants that hurt to touch.
Cannon Great guns that shoot huge bombs.
Chaser Spinning machines resembling Blade Traps that follow Link along straight lines as long as they can detect him.
Eye Guard Some of the many Eyegore statues filling dungeons can shoot fireballs.
Eye of Deceit Eye Guards that try to trick Link into going the wrong way in the Room of Rites in a Linked Game.
Face Lamp Torches that shoot fireballs at Link.
Falling rock Rocks and fireballs that are launched from volcanoes.
Floor Spikes Pointy floors that damage Link to walk on.
Flying Tile Floor tiles that throw themselves at Link.
Laser Rotating turrets that shoot a beam if they see Link.
Lava Fire Fireballs that spin in rings through the air.
Pipe fire Fireballs that drop out of pipes.
Rolling pin Studded cylinders that roll back and forth.
Spiked Thwomp Floating stone enemies that attempt to crush Link, but can be stood on the flat tops.
Stone statue Gargoyles and reliefs that shoot projectiles at Link.
Thwomp Small, spiked, stone enemies that try to crush Link if he walks under them.


Sprite Name Description Location
Goriya Bros. A pair of Goriyas that throw a single boomerang between them. Gnarled Root Dungeon
Façade A giant face in the floor that attacks by manipulating the room, summoning Beetles, and breathing volcanic fire. Only explosions can harm it. Snake's Remains
Pig Warriors5 A gang of Pig Warriors led by the Great Moblin that harrass Princess Zelda upon her arrival in a Linked Game. North Horon
Blaino A boxing creature who runs a gym in North Horon. Link needs to box him out of the ring to win Ricky's Gloves, and he can be refought for Rupees at any point. Blaino's Gym
Calamareyes A trio of Bloober-like squid that leap from watery holes in the floor and shoot fire. They must be picked up from the water and attacked on dry land. Poison Moth's Lair
Great Moblin An extorting thug who is terrorizing the people of Sunken City, he is an optional miniboss. He throws giant bombs from a safe vantage point; Link must life the bombs and throw them back to make him drop a lit bomb onto his stockpile, destroying the entire fortress. Moblin's Keep.
Agahnim A wizard who casts spells at Link with his two duplicates in a dark room. To find the right one, Link needs to use Ember Seeds on torches to see his shadow. Dancing Dragon Dungeon
Syger A sabre-toothed cat that rolls around into a tusked ball. The small red ball on the end of its tail is its weak point. Unicorn's Cave
The Black Beast A normal Mini-Moldorm that is revived from a fossil by a Mystery Seed. Western Coast
Vire A bat demon that swoops at Link and shoots different types of fireballs. After enough damage, it splits into two swooping, skull-faced Keese. Ancient Ruins
Poe Sisters Amy and Margaret, a pair of ghost sisters that attack together when their individual curses on the dungeon are dispelled. They alternate between attacking Link and blowing out torches Link must keep alit with Ember Seeds, lest their power warp him away. Explorer's Crypt
Frypolar A spirit that alternates between a fiery and icy form. Only the opposing element can harm it. Sword & Shield Maze

12 beasts6 Only found in the endgame of an unlinked game if Link returns with a password from a linked Ages game, Link must defeat these twelve enemies in a hidden area near the clockmaker's shop within 30 seconds for a sword upgrade from the old man who sets up the challenge. Horon Village grotto

5 - Only occurs in the linked game
6 - Only occurs in the unlinked game after returning a secret


Sprite Name Description
Aquamentus A dragon-unicorn that spits fireballs and charges forward. Its horn is weak to attacks. Gnarled Root Dungeon
Dodongo A slow, fire-breathing ceratopsid that must be fed a bomb as it inhales, then picked up and thrown onto a spike pit in the middle using the Power Bracelet. Snake's Remains
Mothula A one-eyed moth that swoops around, scatters damaging pellets, and summons baby moths to attack, trying to knock Link into a pit. Poison Moth's Lair
Gohma A one-eyed arthropod that must first have its giant claw destroyed with attacks, then be attacked in the eye using the Slingshot. Dancing Dragon Dungeon
Digdogger A giant sea urchin that tries to crush Link, the Magnetic Gloves must be used to crush it with a spiked ball. Unicorn's Cave
Manhandla A Giant Buzz Blob-like creature with four fire-spitting Piranha Plant heads. These must be destroyed with the Magical Boomerang, which must then be used to reach and destroy the boss's core. Ancient Ruins
Gleeok A two-headed fire-breathing dragon. Both necks must be cut before either head can reattach, turning the body into a trampling skeleton that must be attacked and avoided. Explorer's Crypt
Medusa Head A giant floating head that attacks with fire, lasers, and petrification as it teleports around, and can be hit with most attacks. Sword & Shield Maze
Onox (1) The game's villain, this "General of Darkness" uses a massive flail and his own weight to attack and defends with an electrified crystal containing Din. Only strong attacks can penetrate his thick armor, and only the Rod of Seasons can knock the crystal away harmlessly. Onox's Castle
Onox (2) Onox in his fire-breathing true form, fought in a side-scrolling area. His hands must be jumped on as he uses them to attack, allowing Link to hit his forehead gem. Onox's Castle

Twinrova6 The true villains fought at the end of a Linked Game, Twinrova attack together and must have their fire or ice reflected into the sister of the opposing element using sword attacks. After enough damage, they combine into one being, and uses more advanced magic. In this state, she can be stunned from multiple sword hits, then damaged by being hit with a launched seed. Room of Rites
Ganon6 The evil king Twinrova seeks to revive using the Dark Rites, his resurrection is only partially completed due to Link's interference, rendering him a mindless, destructive monster. He is powerful and has many dangerous moves, but can ultimately be defeated with a large enough amount of hits. Room of Rites

6 - Only appears in the linked game



These are the main pick-up items in the game.

Sprite Name Ages? Description
Healing items
Heart Small hearts that heal one heart of life energy and are found as common drops.
Fairy Small sprites that heal a large amount of life energy on contact. They are rare drops, but dungeon minibosses always drop one.

Rupee Small gemstones that are used as money in Holodrum. The size and color determines their worth, though there is some variation with ones in chests. They are common drops in Holodrum.
Ore Chunk Pieces of valuable ore used as money in Subrosia. The color determines their worth. They are mainly found by digging in Subrosia.


Equipment consists of items that the player can equip to the A Button or B Button buttons for Link to use.

Sprite Name Ages? Description
L-1 Wooden Sword The most basic sword, it is found in the Hero's Cave in an unlinked game; Link already has it in a linked game. It is needed to reach the Maku Tree.
L-2 Noble Sword A stronger sword, it is gained either at the end of a lengthy trading sequence in either version of the game; from an old man in a grotto near the clockmaker's shop in an unlinked game's endgame after telling him a secret from a woman in Ages' linked game; or returned through a secret from Ages' unlinked endgame in a linked game, initiated from the Zora in the Hero's Cave and given to King Zora in Ages.
L-3 Master Sword The strongest sword, it is gained by doing the remaining above task for the respective type of game.
L-1 Wooden Shield The most basic shield which defends against simple projectiles like rocks and spears, it can be bought at Stockwell's shop until he finds the next type, which replaces it.
L-2 Iron Shield A stronger shield that also defends against fire projectiles. It can be gained from the Subrosian Smithy after bringing some Hard Ore in either version of the game; from the Subrosian Smithy in an unlinked game's endgame after telling the Subrosian Smiths a secret from a Subrosian in Ages' linked game; or returned through a secret from Ages' unlinked endgame in a linked game, initiated by a Ghost in the vacant house on the Western Coast and given to the old man in the back of the Eyeglass Island Library in Ages.
L-3 Mirror Shield The strongest shield which can also repel magic and laser attacks, it is gained by doing the remaining above task for the respective type of game.
Seed Satchels
L-1 Seed Satchel A sack that lets Link carry 20 of each type of Mystical Seed. It is found in the Gnarled Root Dungeon.
L-2 Seed Satchel An upgraded Seed Satchel that allows Link to carry 50 of each type of seed. It can be bought from the members' section of Stockwell's shop in either version of the game; given by the Deku Scrub in Natzu in an unlinked game's endgame after telling it a secret from the Deku Scrub in Ages' linked game; or returned through a secret from Ages' unlinked endgame in a linked game, initiated by a Great Fairy in the Woods of Winter and given to Tingle in Ages.
L-3 Seed Satchel A further upgraded Seed Satchel that allows Link to carry 99 of each type of seed, it is gained by doing the remaining above task for the respective type of game.
Bomb Bags
L-1 Bomb Explosives that Link pulls out above his head, they explode after a few moments. He can throw them at things to blow them up, and he can carry up to ten at a time. They can be bought at Stockwell's shop, found in chests, or found as a moderately common drop.
L-2 Big Bomb Bag A bomb capacity upgrade allowing Link to carry up to 20. It is gained by buying the Red Bomb in Subrosia Market in either version of the game; from a pirate remaining in the House of Pirates in an unlinked game's endgame after telling him a secret from a pigtailed girl in Ages' linked game; or returned through a secret from Ages' unlinked endgame in a linked game, initiated by the friendly Pig Warrior in the Ruined Keep and given to the Wild Tokay Museum operator in Ages.
L-3 Big Bomb Bag A further bomb capacity upgrade allowing Link to carry up to 50, it is gained by doing the remaining above task for the respective type of game.
L-1 Boomerang A weapon that lets Link stun most enemies, destroy Sparks, hit far-away shock switches, and grab far items. It is a reward from the Subrosian Dance Hall.
L-2 Magical Boomerang A special boomerang with increased speed and range, as well as the ability to control its path through the air. It is found in the Ancient Ruins.
Roc's items
L-1 Roc's Feather A feather that lets Link jump, helping him cross pits. It is found in Poison Moth's Lair.
L-2 Roc's Cape A mantle that allows Link to glide a short distance through the air. It is found in Explorer's Crypt.
L-1 Slingshot A weapon that allows Link to shoot Mystical Seeds at enemies, switches, and other targets. It is found in the Dancing Dragon Dungeon.
L-2 Hyper Slingshot A special slingshot that shoots three seeds in a spread shot for the price of one. It is found in the Sword & Shield Maze.
Ember Seed Seeds that catch fire when used, they are mainly used to burn shrubs and light torches.
Gale Seed Seeds that create a small tornado, Link can use these to travel to any seed tree he has visited already. By shooting them at enemies, they are blown off-screen.
Mystery Seed Seeds that can be used on Owl Stones to get hints. When used on enemies, a random seed effect happens.
Pegasus Seed Seeds that briefly make Link extra-fast, which is needed for certain timed puzzles.
Scent Seed Seeds that, when dropped, release a pungent smell certain monsters are distracted by. By shooting them at enemies, they pop for damage.
Strange Flute A flute that has not been claimed by any animal friends. It can be bought at Stockwell's shop or won at the Subrosian Dance Hall, but has no use beyond defeating Pols Voices until the corresponding animal shows up. Only one flute can be obtained in the whole game, which carries across to a linked game, where the respective flute is always given by the animal it represents.
Dimitri's Flute A flute that summons Dimitri. It is the Strange Flute obtained at the Subrosian Dance Hall, becoming Dimitri's Flute once he is met in Spool Swamp. In the linked game, he instead gives it in the same place.
Moosh's Flute A flute that summons Moosh. It is the Strange Flute obtained at Stockwell's shop, becoming Moosh's Flute once he is met in Spool Swamp. In the linked game, he instead gives it in the same place.
Ricky's Flute A flute that summons Ricky. It is given by Ricky once his gloves are returned to him at his home in Holodrum Plain. It never appears as a Strange Flute.
Magnetic Gloves Gloves that have a strong magnetic pull, switching between the "north" and "south" ends every time they are used. They are used to push or pull Link and metal objects relative to each other. They are found in Unicorn's Cave.
Power Bracelet A magical bracelet that allows Link to lift and throw heavy objects like pots and rocks. It is found in Snake's Remains.
Rod of Seasons An item belonging to Din, this allows Link to change seasons by waving it when he stands on a stump, but only to the seasons it has been imbued with yet. It is gained during the first visit to the sunken Temple of Seasons.
Shovel An item that let's Link dig up items and shovel away piles of dirt and snow. It is given by Holly in the Woods of Winter.
Traded Ore An Ore Chunk that acts as a strong weapon for a brief period, where the Strange Brothers steal the Roc's Feather and replace it with this.
Linking secret
Biggoron's Sword A huge, powerful sword that takes up both item slots. It can be gained from Biggoron atop Goron Mountain in an unlinked game's endgame after telling him a secret from a Goron in Rolling Ridge in Ages' linked game; or returned through a secret from Ages' unlinked endgame in a linked game, initiated from a red Goron near Biggoron and given to the Goron Elder in Ages.
Bombchu Special bombs that move forward and home in on enemies, Link can carry up to 99. They can be gained from an orange-robed Subrosian in a cave near where Link first enters Subrosia in an unlinked game's endgame after telling them a secret from a Subrosian in Rolling Ridge in Ages' linked game; or returned through a secret from Ages' unlinked endgame in a linked game, initiated from Dr. Troy's pupil in the Eastern Suburbs and given to Dr. Troy himself at Rolling Ridge in Ages. They can be restocked from Syrup's shop.


Replenishable items
Sprite Name Description
Gasha Seed These can be planted to grow Gasha Trees, which can give all manner of items of varying rarities depending on the amount of enemies defeated and the remoteness of the spot they are planted. They can be found in chests, dropped by Maple, or bought at Subrosia Market or Syrup's Potion Shop.
Magic Potion A special medicine that revives Link with all hearts if he runs out of health. It can be bought from Syrup's Potion Shop, and is also a fairly rare drop from Maple or Gasha Trees.
Magical Ring Rings that can be worn for special effects after they have been appraised by Vasu. Some rings are completely unique and can only be gained from certain chests or characters, but others are of different levels of common or rare. They are often dropped by Maple or Gasha Trees. Duplicates are bought back by Vasu upon appraisal.
Sprite Name Description
Ring Boxes
L-1 Ring Box The first Ring Box, which holds a single ring. It is given by Vasu upon first visiting him.
L-2 Ring Box A larger Ring Box that holds up to three rings. It is gained either from a red Goron hermit at Goron Mountain in either version of the game; from Mayor Ruul in an unlinked game's endgame after telling him a secret from Mayor Plen's grandmother in Ages' linked game; or returned through a secret from Ages' unlinked endgame in a linked game, initiated from a visitor of Holly and given to the girls in the middle house of Symmetry Village in Ages.
L-3 Ring Box The largest Ring Box that holds up to five rings, it is gained by doing the remaining above task for the respective type of game.
Swimming items
Zora's Flippers An item that allows Link to swim, they are gained from the Master Diver.
Quest items
Sprite Name Description
Gnarled Root quest
Gnarled Key A key that opens the Gnarled Root Dungeon. It is given by the Maku Tree.
Spool Swamp quest
Ricky's Gloves A pair of boxing gloves taken from Ricky by Blaino after a loss. Link must win them back from Blaino's Gym for Ricky.
Floodgate Key A key that controls the floodgate for Spool Swamp. It is found in a drained puddle in the Floodgate Keeper's House.
Subrosia Market quest
Star-Shaped Ore A special Ore Chunk found buried in the Subrosia Seaside.
Ribbon A ribbon Link can trade for the Star-Shaped Ore at Subrosia Market. He can give it to Rosa to go on a "date" with her.
Member's Card An optional item for sale in Subrosia Market. It lets Link access the members' portion of Stockwell's shop.
Dancing Dragon quest
Master's Plaque A proof-of-accomplishment found after completing the Master Diver's challenge near Sunken City. After showing it to him, Link gets the Zora's Flippers.
Spring Banana Moosh's favorite fruit, found on the easternmost peak of Mt. Cucco. When given to him, Moosh accompanies Link for a while.
Dragon Key The key to Dancing Dragon Dungeon, which needs taken to one of the summits of Mt. Cucco. It is found in a dead-end on Goron Mountain accessible with Moosh.
Unicorn's quest
Bomb Flower An explosive plant used to blow a hole in an impassible wall in the Temple of Seasons. It is found in the middle of Lava Lake.
Tarm Ruins quest
Treasure Map An optional item that adds a twinkle on Link's map for each of the Jewels. It can be bought from the members' section of Stockwell's shop.
Jewels Four gemstones used to enter Tarm Ruins. They are found in various places across the land.
Explorer's Crypt quest
Rusty Bell Cap'n's beloved keepsake, it is found in the Samasa Desert with the help of the desert pirate.
Pirate's Bell The refurbished bell after being given to the Subrosian Smithy.
Shield quest
Red Ore A rare metal found on a mesa in Subrosia Village requiring the Magnetic Gloves to reach.
Blue Ore A rare metal found in a pit-filled section of the Subrosian Wilds requiring the Magnetic Gloves to reach.
Hard Ore Special ore that is used to upgrade Link's shield by the Subrosian Smithy. It is made by taking the Red Ore and Blue Ore to the Great Furnace.
Sword quest
Cuccodex A book on Cuccos obtained by the biologist in Horon Village after lighting the torch in his house with an Ember Seed. It is given to Malon in North Horon.
Lon Lon Egg A "beauty aid" given by Malon, and in turn given to Maple.
Ghastly Doll A creepy toy given by Maple and given in turn to Mrs. Ruul in Holodrum Plain to cure her heat problem.
Iron Pot A well-worn cooking dish given by Mrs. Ruul and given to the Subrosian Chef in Subrosia Village to use for cooking.
Lava Soup Soup made from real lava, it is gained from the Subrosian Chef and given to Biggoron on Goron Mountain to cure his cold.
Goron Vase A rare vase made by Gorons, it is given by Biggoron and given to Ingo in Sunken City to complete his collection.
Fish A fresh fish given by Ingo and given to Mittens' owner in North Horon to coax Mittens out of a tree.
Megaphone a bullhorn given by Mittens' owner. It is used to wake up Talon on Mt. Cucco.
Mushroom A mushroom found by Talon. It is given to Syrup in Sunken City so she can make Magic Potion.
Wooden Bird A carving of a bird given by Syrup. It is given to the clockmaker in Horon Village to finish a cuckoo clock he is working on.
Engine Grease Oil given by the clockmaker and given to the Phonograph Man in the Eastern Suburbs to speed up his windmill.
Phonograph A music-maker given by the Phonograph Man and played for a curious Deku Scrub found underground in Tarm Ruins for directions through the Lost Woods to a sword upgrade.
Final quest
Huge Maku Seed The culmination of the Maku Tree's power, it is obtained the next time Link visits after collecting all eight Essences of Nature. It is required to access Onox's Castle.
Dungeon items
Sprite Name Description
Small Key Interchangeable keys that can open a single door within the dungeon they are found in.
Dungeon Map A map that shows the dungeon's layout, including rooms Link has not yet visited.
Compass An item that shows the position of items and the boss, it also makes a sound when Link enters a room with a hidden item.
Boss Key A key that allows access to the dungeon's master.
Health items
Sprite Name Description
Heart Container Grants an extra heart of maximum life energy. One is held by each major dungeon boss, and another can be gotten through a secret.
Piece of Heart Heart Container fragments scattered across the world. Collecting four assembles a full Heart Container.

The 64 Magical Rings have varying effects when worn. Some can be found randomly at various levels of rarity, but some can only be found in certain places, either in this game or The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, with others only being found in one of the games' linked version.

Friendship Ring

Power Ring L-1

Power Ring L-2

Power Ring L-3

Armor Ring L-1

Armor Ring L-2

Armor Ring L-3

Red Ring

Blue Ring

Green Ring

Cursed Ring

Expert Ring

Blast Ring

Rang Ring L-1

GBA Time Ring

Maple's Ring

Steadfast Ring

Pegasus Ring

Toss Ring

Heart Ring L-1

Heart Ring L-2

Swimmer's Ring

Charge Ring

Light Ring L-1

Light Ring L-2

Bomber's Ring

Green Luck Ring

Blue Luck Ring

Gold Luck Ring

Red Luck Ring

Green Holy Ring

Blue Holy Ring

Red Holy Ring

Snowshoe Ring

Roc's Ring

Quicksand Ring

Red Joy Ring

Blue Joy Ring

Gold Joy Ring

Green Joy Ring

Discovery Ring

Rang Ring L-2

Octo Ring

Moblin Ring

Like Like Ring

Subrosian Ring

First Gen Ring

Spin Ring

Bombproof Ring

Energy Ring

Dbl. Edged Ring

GBA Nature Ring

Slayer's Ring

Rupee Ring

Victory Ring

Sign Ring

100th Ring

Whisp Ring

Gasha Ring

Peace Ring

Zora Ring

Fist Ring

Whimsical Ring

Protection Ring
Essences of Nature

The eight Essences of Nature are the dungeon rewards in this game. Unlike most games, they represent abstract concepts, specifically about the growth of trees.

Sprite Name Description
Fertile Soil The first essence in the Gnarled Root Dungeon, it nourishes seeds cast onto the land.
Gift of Time The second essence in Snake's Remains, it gives time for the seeds to sprout.
Bright Sun The third essence in Poison Moth's Lair, it provides warm rays for the shoots to grow.
Soothing Rain The fourth essence in the Dancing Dragon Dungeon, it provides moisture for the shoots to become saplings.
Nurturing Warmth The fifth essence in Unicorn's Cave, it provides strength to the saplings.
Blowing Wind The sixth essence in the Ancient Ruins, it blows pollen to fertilize flowers to bear fruit.
Seed of Life The seventh essence in Explorer's Crypt, it starts the cycle anew in a new place.
Changing Seasons The eight and final essence in the Sword & Shield Maze, it ties the cycle together.


For this game's image gallery, see Gallery:The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ゼルダの伝説 ふしぎの木の実 大地の章
Zeruda no Densetsu: Fushigi no Kinomi Daichi no Shō
The Legend of Zelda: The Mysterious Seeds – Chapter of Earth (alternatively "THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Oracle of Seasons" on the first screen of the game)


  • The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages are the first two games in the main series that were released in tandem. Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon are the first games of the overall The Legend of Zelda franchise that were released in tandem.

External links[edit]


  1. ^ Zelda Universe ( - Wayback Machine