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The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages

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The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages

The North American front box art
Developer(s) Capcom, Flagship
Publisher(s) Nintendo
Release date Game Boy Color:
Japan February 27, 2001
USA May 14, 2001[1]
Europe 2001
Australia 2001
3DS Virtual Console:
Japan February 27, 2013
USA May 30, 2013
Europe May 30, 2013
Australia May 30, 2013
South Korea April 20, 2016
Genre(s) Action-adventure
Rating(s) Game Boy Color:
ESRB: - Everyone
ACB: - Eight years and older
3DS Virtual Console:
ESRB: - Everyone
PEGI: - Seven years and older
CERO: - All ages
ACB: - Parental guidance
Console(s) Game Boy Color, Virtual Console (3DS)
Mode(s) Single player

The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages is a The Legend of Zelda game for the Game Boy Color. It was developed by Capcom and Flagship. The game was released in tandem with The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons in 2001. The Oracle games make up the seventh and eighth installments of The Legend of Zelda series, and both are the first games of the main series that were not developed by Nintendo. The Oracle games are the last Game Boy Color games that Nintendo was directly involved with because of the Game Boy Advance's impending release at the time. Both games have unique features when played on a Game Boy Advance, which Shantae would later be known for.

In many aspects, The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages is similar to The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons. Both games utilize the same game engine, although The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages is more puzzle-oriented than The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, which has action-focused gameplay. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages is named after the Nayru, whose title is the Oracle of Ages. The game takes place in Labrynna, where Link is sent to rescue Nayru from being possessed by Veran and to restore the flow of time.

Both games can be interconnected through the Link System; after completing either game, the player can transfer their progress to the other game by either entering a password or by using a Game Boy Color-compatible Game Link cable. This is the only way for the player to achieve the true ending in each game.

In 2013, the Oracle games were released for the Nintendo 3DS's Virtual Console simultaneously.


In the opening, Link travels on the back of Epona to a castle (most likely Hyrule Castle) where the Triforce is held. The Spirit of the Triforce tells Link the world is in need of his heroics, and teleports him away. He lands in Labrynna, where he soon meets Princess Zelda's attendant, Impa, being menaced by some Octoroks, which flee as he approaches. She tells him she is looking for Nayru, the Oracle of Ages, and has him take her to her location past a sacred barrier. Link finds Nayru singing to a group of people and animals, including her childhood friend Ralph. Link and Nayru meet briefly, but it is then revealed that Impa was possessed by an evil sorceress named Veran, who takes control of Nayru and uses her powers to go to 400 years to the past to start changing the time stream, causing havoc to start occurring across Labrynna.

Link visits the Maku Tree for advice, but before they can discuss anything, the Maku Tree disappears due to being killed in the changed past. Using Veran's Time Portal, Link and Ralph travel to Labrynna's past, where it is found that "Nayru" has begun influencing the ruler, Queen Ambi, making her more aggressive in her drive to build a massive tower. Link visits the Maku Tree's sapling and saves her from the monsters menacing her, but while she survives, she falls in love with Link. Returning to the present, Link meets the grown Maku Tree, who is still infatuated with him and due to the damaged time stream, has lost much of her memory. Link is tasked with finding the eight Essences of Time to restore her memory.

Link travels back and forth between time many times with the help of the Harp of Ages, gathering essences and solving problems. Midway through his quest, he learns Ambi has left her palace, so he infiltrates and challenges Veran to battle. He successfully removes her from Nayru's body, but Veran instead possessed Ambi. Nayru returns herself, Link, and Ralph to the future, but Veran climbs the newly-built Black Tower to gain power from the Dark Realm to regain control over time.

After several essences have been gathered, the Gerudo witch pair Twinrova reveal themselves to be behind Veran's plot, hoping to sow sorrow as part of a ritual. Eventually, Link restores the Maku Tree, who gives him a Huge Maku Seed that allows Link to enter the Black Tower Turret and fight the possessed queen. Link frees Ambi from Veran's influence and defeats Veran's giant form, but as the castle begins crumbling, Link is captured and brought to the surviving Veran, who attacks in a shifting series of monstrous forms. Once Veran is defeated for good, the proper timestream is restored. However, Veran successfully managed to light Twinrova's Flame of Sorrow.

In a Linked Game, Princess Zelda arrives midway through, and ends up kidnapped by Twinrova while she rallies the people of Horon Village. Link must travel to the Room of Rites where they have taken her as a sacrifice to revive Ganon. After defeating Twinrova, they sacrifice themselves instead, causing Ganon to resurrect as a mindless beast. Upon defeating him, the dungeon begins to collapse, and Link and Zelda are rescued by the Maku Tree's power. After a celebration, Link sets off in a boat to parts unknown, potentially setting up for the plot of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.


Playable character[edit]

Sprite Name Description
Link The hero of the Essences of Time and Nature.

Supporting characters[edit]

Sprite Name Seasons? Description
Din1 The Oracle of Ages, Din appears to open the path to the Room of Rites alongside Nayru in a Linked Game.
Dimitri A friendly Dodongo who is one of Link's animal friends. He is an excellent swimmer (even going up waterfalls) and can eat a majority of enemies, but cannot jump at all.
Great Fairy Large fairies that can heal all of Link's life energy when found.
Impa Zelda's attendant, she is possessed by Veran in the opening in order to trick Link into escorting her to Nayru. After being freed from Veran, the toll her possession took on her means she can only give advice from Nayru's House.
Maku Tree / Maku Sprout A powerful, magic, talking tree that due to Veran's messing with the timestream, has lost most of her memory. She falls in love with Link after he saves her in the past.
Moosh A flying bear who is one of Link's animal friends. He can fly for a prolonged period, but his only attack is an ungainly charging downward pound with a short area of effect and he drops and sinks immediately if he flies over water.
Nayru 2 The Oracle of Ages with control over time, she is possessed by Veran as part of her plan.
Princess Zelda1 2 The princess of Hyrule, Zelda travels to Holodrum in a linked game to help boost morale. She ends up kidnapped by Twinrova near the end.
Queen Ambi 2 The queen of Labrynna 400 years in the past, she is having her subjects build a tower to guide her seafaring lover home. Veran manipulates her into becoming more aggressive, and later possesses her as well.
Ralph 2 Nayru's childhood friend, he is protective of her, but not very competent. He spends most of the game running around in search of her.
Ricky A boxing kangaroo who is one of Link's animal friends. He is quick, can jump up walls and across short gaps, and has a long-range charging attack, but he cannot move across water and he is restricted to linear movements with his jumps.
Twinrova The true villains of the game, individually named Koume and Kotake, Twinrova use Veran as part of their evil plan to revive Ganon.

1 - Only appears in the linked game
2 - Only appears in The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons's linked game

Other characters[edit]

Sprite Name Seasons? Description
??? A mysterious hand living in the Toilet in Lynna Village, begging for paper.
Adlar The previous advisor of Queen Ambi, banished from the castle due to Veran's machinations.
Bear Cub One of the animals that listens to Nayru in the game's opening. It moves over to let Link reach her.
Bipin An arborist who tells Link tips about Gasha Trees.

Bipsom The son of Bipin and Blossom, Link's choices throughout his development affect how he grows. In an unlinked game, he grows from a baby to a child, and in a linked game, from a kid to an adult.
Blossom Bipsom's mother, who is usually shown caring for her son. Occasionally, she asks Link for advice.
Blue Snake One of Vasu's snakes. It can use a Game Link cable to send Magical Rings between two games. He cannot be spoken to in the 3DS Virtual Console port.
Business Scrub Deku Scrubs that sell wares in various areas.
Cap'n A seafaring man who has since become a skeleton. He and his crew are lost in the Sea of No Return.
Carpenters Three lazy workers that decide to take a "break" around Nuun Highlands.
Chef The Tokay tribe's cook, due to a stuffy nose he can no longer smell what he makes.
Cheval A man in Lynna Village who wants to invent rope that does not fall apart in water.
Comedian and sidekick A teller of corny jokes and his embarrassed companion.
Cucco Simple chickens that summon a swarm of invulnerable attacking chickens if attacked to much.
Cucco Chick Baby chickens that follow Link around.
Dekadin A depressed boy who lives in a dark house in Lynna Village.
Deku Scrub3 A nut-like creature who appears in Deku Forest in a Linked Game.
Dr. Troy A zoologist in Lynna City who tells Link of various creatures across the land.
Fairy Queen A Great Fairy living near the Zora Seas who has been cursed by Veran into an Octorok.
Farore The Oracle of Secrets, she is prominent in a Linked Game as the character who transfers secrets between the two games.
Forest fairy Three small fairies that mix up the Fairies' Woods as part of a confusing game of hide-and-seek.
Ghost3 A friendly spirit found in Yoll Graveyard in a Linked Game.
Goron A rock-eating people found at Rolling Ridge.
Goron Elder The Goron leader in the past, he is stuck under a rock when Link first visits.
Graceful Goron The master of the Goron Dance. A Graceful Goron appears in both eras with different colors.
Green Goron A Goron that guards a stairway in Rolling Ridge from outsiders in both eras.
Guard Soldiers under Queen Ambi.
Head carpenter The leader of the carpenters, he wants to build a bridge from Nuun Highlands to Symmetry City Ruins.
Homing pigeon 4 A bird that appears as part of Nayru's audience. One also tells Impa of Zelda's arrival in a Linked Game.

Human The most common people of Labrynna.
Jabu-Jabu The guardian deity of the Zoras, he needs to be entered to access the dungeon in his belly, but he and King Zora must be saved from their illnesses first.
King Zora The ruler of the Zora tribe in both eras. He is left sick and eventually dies from the polluted water Veran has caused, so Link needs to save him before he passes.

Know-It-All Birds A group of pigeons in Lynna City that give Link hints.
Mask salesman A hungry, mood-swinging man running the Mask Shop in Nuun Highlands.
Librarian The keeper of the Eyeglass Island Library in the present.
Mamamu Yan A dog-loving woman in Lynna City.
Maple A young apprentice witch who Link can collide with to cause both their items to scatter.
Master Diver's pupil3 An apprentice of the Master Diver from Sunken City found near Zora Village in a Linked Game.
Mayor Plen The mayor of Lynna City, he is fascinated with its history.
Mayor Plen's grandmother3 An old woman found in Mayor Plen's house in a Linked Game.
Monkey Animals that can be found in the Forest of Time when Veran is not in power.
Old man Old men are found throughout Labrynna in hidden caves. Some give Rupees if found, but others take them. Others give hints or tasks.
Old Zora An elderly Zora living on the Coast of No Return.
Owl Stone Statues of owls that give hints if sprinkled with a Mystery Seed.
Patch An eccentric repairman found at the top of Restoration Wall.
Pippin A Gasha Seed-hating farmer in Lynna Village who is implied to be Bipin's ancestor.
Pirate A group of skeletal sailors who have ended up in the Sea of Storms.
Poe A friendly spirit in Yoll Graveyard who wants released from his grave.
Postman A mailman in need of a clock to keep schedule.
Prospector A man who attempts to enter the Wing Dungeon before Link obtains Bombs.
Rabbit An animal that listens to Nayru's song in the opening. Others are petrified by Veran in the past in a later scene.
Rafton A raft-maker in Lynna Village.
Red Snake One of Vasu's Snakes, he explains Magical Rings and allows them to be transferred between games via a secret.
Richard Mamamu Yan's shy dog.
Rosa3 A Subrosian pop star who is taking a trip in the linked game.
Stockwell A shopkeeper in Lynna City.
Subrosian3 The people of Subrosia, they are found primarily in Rolling Ridge in the past during a Linked Game.
Syrup A witch who sells Magic Potion and other items from her shop in Yoll Graveyard.
Talus Peaks fairy A fairy that tests Link with Golden and Silver Bombs.
Thin Man A man found exercising in the basement of the Middle House.
Tingle A strange mapmaker found floating near the South Shore.
Tokay Gecko people native to Crescent Island.
Tokay shopkeeper The bartering keeper of Tokay Traders.
Tokkey A composer living in solitude in Talus Peaks.
Vasu An appraiser of Magical Rings found in Lynna City.
Zora 4 Peaceful aquatic people from Zora Village.

3 - Only appears in the linked game
4 - Only appears in The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons's linked game



Dungeons in bold are exclusive to the linked game.

Name Description Item Reward Miniboss Boss
Maku Road The side-path leading to the Maku Tree. While a straight line in the present, it is more complex in the past. None
Spirit's Grave A flame-shaped dungeon located in Yoll Graveyard.
Power Bracelet

Eternal Spirit
Giant Ghini Pumpkin Head
Wing Dungeon A wing-shaped dungeon that crumbles in the present in the Fairies' Woods, so Link must instead enter in the past in Deku Forest.
Roc's Feather

Ancient Wood
Swoop Head Thwomp
Moonlit Grotto A crescent-shaped dungeon found on Crescent Island in the present.
Seed Shooter

Echoing Howl
Subterror Shadow Hag
Skull Dungeon A skull-shaped dungeon found in Symmetry City in the present.
Switch Hook

Burning Flame
Armos Warrior Eyesoar
Crown Dungeon A crown-shaped dungeon found in Rolling Ridge in the present.
Cane of Somaria

Sacred Soil
Smasher Smog
Mermaid's Cave A mermaid-shaped dungeon found in Rolling Ridge Base in both ages, with a different layout in each.
Mermaid Suit

Lonely Peak
Vire Octogon
Jabu-Jabu's Belly The inside of the guardian of Zora Village.
Long Hook

Rolling Sea
Angler Fish Plasmarine
Ancient Tomb A large dungeon found in the Sea of No Return.
Power Glove

Falling Star
Blue Stalfos Ramrock
The Black Tower A tower build by decree of Queen Ambi, repurposed by Veran into a symbol of sorrow and suffering. The monster-filled version is accessible following Moonlit Grotto, but the top cannot be entered until later. None
Black Tower Turret The top of the Black Tower, full of puzzles and strong enemies. None Completion None Veran
Hero's Cave An optional bonus dungeon in the Linked Game, it can be accessed across from Maku Road in Lynna City for much of the game, but can only be completed using items found in later dungeons.
Armor Ring L-3
Room of Rites The final dungeon in a Linked Game, this is a maze full of the Eyes of Deceit trying to trick Link. None True completion None Twinrova


Sprite Name Description
Present The present is a brightly colored era with low-powered enemies.
Past The past is a reddish-colored era with higher-powered enemies. Actions here may affect the present.


Sprite Name Seasons? Description
Anti-Faerie Skull spirits that bounce around rooms diagonally. They can be defeated with a Boomerang.
Arm-Mimic Haniwa that copy Link's movements in reverse.
Armos Statue Statues that come alive and walk around after a trigger, usually touching them.
Ball and Chain Guy Strong soldiers wielding a far-reaching flail.
Bari Jellyfish that appear underwater and alternate between electrified and safe to attack. When hit, they split into two Biris.
Beetle Crawling arthropods that can sometimes be dug up with the shovel.
Biri Small jellyfish that split off from Baris. Like them, they shock every few moments.
Bunshin Small Ghinis that accompany the Giant Ghini and latch onto Link.
Buzz Blob Electrical blobs that aimlessly strut around.
Candle Explosive candlesticks that become primed and fast when lit with an Ember Seed.
Cheep Cheep Fish that swim around in side-scrolling areas.
Color-changing Gel Gels that camouflage to color-changing floors.
Crow Birds that fly at Link from trees or the edge of the screen.
Cukeman The result of hitting a Buzz Blob with a Mystery Seed, these act similar, but can be spoken to, causing them to say bizarre things.
Dark Link Shadowy copies of Link created by Veran. They copy Link's movements in reverse.
Fire Keese Burning Keese that swoop down at Link to burn him, though this also extinguishes them on contact.
Firebat Evil magic resembling a Fire Keese, Twinrova summons them to attack Link.
Floormaster Giant hands that sprout from the floor and follow Link. If one catches him, he is taken to the dungeon entrance.
Gel Tiny slimes that are usually split from a red Zol. They grab onto Link and slow him down.
Ghost Simple spirit enemies that fly back and forth.
Gibdo Mummies that walk around unflinchingly. Burning them reveals a Stalfos.
Goponga Flower Immobile swamp plants that are very difficult to destroy and have the ability to shoot fireballs.
Guard The guards of Ambi's Palace. The ones outside throw Link out, but the ones inside swarm him.
Hardhat Beetle Tough shelled enemies that cannot be destroyed, only knocked around and into pits.
Iron Mask Squat creatures with tough helmets. Unless the masks are removed, they can only be hurt from behind.
Keese Quick, weak bats that fly around erratically.
Leever Spinning enemies that burrow out from the sand.
Like Like Tubular creatures that can eat Link's shield if he is caught in one.
Lynel Strong leonine enemies that inhabit ruins and shoot sword beams.
Mini Moldorm Crazily moving giant caterpillars.

Moblin Common, medium-strength bulldog-like goblins that usually wield spears, but may also use other weapons.
Moth Slow-flying insects spawned for a short period by Shadow Hag to act as a distraction.
Octorok Slow and weak octopus monsters that spit rocks forward.
Peahat Plants with a propellor-like flower they use to fly around.

Pig Warrior Common, weak pig goblins that wield various weapons and work for the Great Moblin.
Pincer Moldorms that lunge out from pits when Link approaches.
Podoboo Fireballs that jump out of lava in side-scrolling sections.
Podoboo Tower Tall stacks of fireballs that shoot smaller fireballs before temporarily disappearing.
Pols Voice Durable rabbit-like enemies that can only be defeated in a few ways, including with any possible Flute.
Rope Charging snakes that can be dug up, fall from the ceiling as a trap, or simply be on the field.
Sand Crab Crabs that move slowly forward and backward, but very fast sideways.
Shrouded Stalfos Robed skeleton warriors that can use spears or swords.

Soldier Powerful knights that can use spears or swords.
Spark Electrical fires that travel along walls. The Boomerang is the only thing that can defeat them.
Spiked Beetle Charging, spiky turtles that must be flipped with a shield before they can be damaged.

Spiny Beetle Weak creatures that hide under objects and scuttle at Link when he approaches.

Stalfos Skeletons with varying behaviors; most of them can jump.
Tektite Hopping spider-like enemies.
Veran's bee Deceptively tough bees summoned by Veran's bee form.
Veran's spider Diagonally charging spiders summoned by the possessed Queen Ambi.
Wallmaster Giant hands that fall from the ceiling, taking Link to the dungeon entrance if caught.
Water Tektite Water striders that skate around diagonally.
Whisp Spirits that move around rooms linearly, cursing Link on contact. They cannot be beaten.
Wizzrobe Cloaked magicians that fire spells at Link while appearing, disappearing, or warping.
Zol Large slimes that hop at Link. The red ones split into two Gels.
Zora Aggressive fish people that spit energy balls at passerby.

Traps and obstacles[edit]

Sprite Name Description
Arrow Trap Mechanisms that launch endless arrows at Link when he crosses their path.

Blade Trap Mechanisms that slide along the floor, coming in different colors, speeds, and sizes. Some only move in response to Link, but others are automatic.
Boulder Falling rocks that tumble down the Restoration Wall.
Chaser Spinning machines resembling Blade Traps that follow Link along straight lines as long as they can detect him.
Deceptive fire Flames that move around a gride-shaped room to lead Link to a further or earlier area in the Black Tower Turret.
Eye Guard Some of the many Eyegore statues filling dungeons can shoot fireballs.
Eye of Deceit Eye Guards that try to trick Link into going the wrong way in the Room of Rites in a Linked Game.
Face Lamp Torches that shoot fireballs at Link.
Falling rock Fireballs that are launched from volcanoes.
Floor Spikes Pointy floors that damage Link to walk on.
Flying Tile Floor tiles that throw themselves at Link.
Laser Rotating turrets that shoot a beam if they see Link.
Pipe fire Flames that drop down from pipes underneath the Great Moblin's Fortress.
Poison water Water that has been polluted by a curse of Veran. The Fairy Queen cleanses it away.
Spiked Thwomp Floating stone enemies that attempt to crush Link, but can be stood on the flat tops.
Whirlpool Impassible obstacles found in the Sea of Storms and the Sea of No Return.


Sprite Name Description Location
Pig Warriors A pair of Pig Warriors sent to assassinate the Maku Sprout. Maku Sprout

Giant Ghini A large Ghini that pursues Link with its Bunshin companions. Spirit's Grave
Swoop A wing-headed devil that tries to crush Link. Wing Dungeon
Ghosts Three spirits that harass Moosh. Yoll Graveyard
Subterror A giant mole attacking with its drill nose, it must be dug up with the Shovel before it can be damaged. Moonlit Grotto
Vire5 A bat demon who, in the Linked game, kidnaps Princess Zelda and takes her up the side-scrolling tower in a homage to Donkey Kong. The Black Tower
Hardhat Beetles A group of four magenta Hardhat Beetles act as a nuisance during Patch's ritual. They must be knocked away long enough for Link to complete the ritual. Patch's Grotto
Armos Warrior A mighty swordsman whose shield can only be broken by his own flying sword. After the shield is gone, it charges at Link. Skull Dungeon

Hardhat Beetles An optional variation on the previous Hardhat Beetle encounter occurs at the end of the trading sequence, this time with eight. Patch's Grotto
Great Moblin An extorting thug terrorizing the Gorons in the present, he attacks by throwing giant bombs alongside two Pig Warriors with smaller bombs. His bombs must be thrown back to damage him. Great Moblin's Keep
Smasher A strange creature that attacks by throwing a disappearing iron ball, which must be picked up and used against it for damage. Crown Dungeon
Vire A bat demon that swoops at Link and shoots different types of fireballs. After enough damage, it splits into two swooping, skull-faced Keese. Mermaid's Cave
Angler Fish A bloated anglerfish that hops around in a sidescrolling area and can only be attacked in the lure. Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Blue Stalfos A skeletal sorcerer that swipes Link with a scythe and casts magic at him. Its weakening curse must be deflected into it to make it vulnerable. Ancient Tomb

5 - Only occurs in the linked game


Sprite Name Description
Pumpkin Head A ghost with a jack-o'-lantern head. The body must be defeated with the sword, the pumpkin lifted, and the tiny spirit inside attacked. Spirit's Grave
Head Thwomp A Thwomp with four different faces with different colors and expressions. Throwing a Bomb in the top causes it to roulette through them, with a different effect depending on where it lands. Wing Dungeon

Shadow Hag A witch that hides in the shadows, summoning moths and charging at Link from behind, disappearing if he turns. He must use the Seed Shooter to bounce a Mystical Seed at her for damage. Moonlit Grotto
Eyesoar Flying eye creatures that move in formation, the larger middle one must be pulled out with the Switch Hook to attack it. The smaller ones respawn. Skull Dungeon
Smog A lightning-splitting cloud creature that splits into several wall-climbing pieces and challenges Link to force them back together. He can accomplish this with the Cane of Somaria. Crown Dungeon
Octogon A giant swimming Octorok that attacks from the surface and underneath water, hiding behind its shell when not attacking. Mermaid's Cave
Veran (1) Veran possessing Nayru. She teleports around, firing magic blasts around the room. She must be hit with a Mystery Seed to remove her spirit from Nayru's body, then pull the spirit the rest of the way out with the Switch Hook to allow her to be damaged. Ambi's Palace
Plasmarine A huge Bari that fires energy balls of its own color and shocks like a normal Bari. Using the Long Hook, it switches color when it changes place with Link; this must be used to hit it with its own projectiles. Jabu-Jabu's Belly

Ramrock An ancient golem that attacks in a variety of ways, like throwing its own hands that can be deflected with the sword, mashing Link with spikes that can be used to make it grab a bomb instead, shooting energy while hiding behind shields that can be surpassed with the Seed Shooter, and extending iron balls that can be pulled back with the Power Glove. Ancient Tomb
Veran (2) Veran possessing Queen Ambi. She attacks much like she did while possessing Nayru, but now summons spiders to help attack him. Black Tower Turret

Veran (3) Veran in a form resembling a Great Fairy. She flies around shooting various magical projectiles, being assisted by four Dark Links. She can now be attacked normally. Black Tower Turret

Veran (4) Veran switching between the forms of a hopping turtle, a silk-shooting spider, and a stinger-shooting bee. The turtle and spider can only be damaged when her face is visible, but the bee can be attacked at any time. Black Tower Turret

Twinrova6 The true villains fought at the end of a Linked Game, Twinrova attack together and must have their fire or ice reflected into the sister of the opposing element using sword attacks. After enough damage, they combine into one being, and uses more advanced magic. In this state, she can be stunned from multiple sword hits, then damaged by being hit with a launched seed. Room of Rites
Ganon6 The evil king Twinrova seeks to revive using the Dark Rites, his resurrection is only partially completed due to Link's interference, rendering him a mindless, destructive monster. He is powerful and has many dangerous moves, but can ultimately be defeated with a large enough amount of hits. Room of Rites

6 - Only appears in the linked game



These are the main pick-up items in the game.

Sprite Name Seasons? Description
Healing items
Heart Small hearts that heal one heart of life energy and are found as common drops.
Fairy Small sprites that heal a large amount of life energy on contact. They are rare drops, but dungeon minibosses always drop one.

Rupee Small gemstones that are used as money in Labrynna during both eras. The size and color determines their worth, though there is some variation with ones in chests. They are common drops.


Equipment consists of items that the player can equip to the A Button or B Button buttons for Link to use.

Sprite Name Seasons? Description
L-1 Wooden Sword The most basic sword, it is given by Impa at the beginning of an unlinked game; Link already has it upon starting a linked game.
L-2 Noble Sword A stronger sword, it is gained either at the end of a lengthy trading sequence in either version of the game; from King Zora after telling him a secret from the Zora in the Hero's Cave in Seasons' linked game; or returned through a secret from Seasons' unlinked game's endgame in a linked game, initiated from an old woman in South Lynna and given to an old man in a grotto near the clockmaker's shop in Seasons.
L-3 Master Sword The strongest sword, it is gained by doing the remaining above task for the respective type of game.
L-1 Wooden Shield The most basic shield which defends against simple projectiles like rocks and spears, one is obtained from Impa in the linked game's opening. It also can be bought at Stockwell's shop or the Business Scrub on Crescent Island until he finds the next type, which replaces it.
L-2 Iron Shield A stronger shield that also defends against fire projectiles. It can be gained from a Tokay in a cave under Crescent Island in either version of the game; from the old man in the back of the Eyeglass Island Library in an unlinked game's endgame after telling him a secret from the Ghost in the vacant house on the Western Coast in Seasons' linked game; or returned through a secret from Seasons' unlinked endgame in a linked game, initiated by a Subrosian in Rolling Ridge and given to the Subrosian Smiths in Seasons.
L-3 Mirror Shield The strongest shield which can also repel magic and laser attacks, it is gained by doing the remaining above task for the respective type of game.
Seed Satchels
L-1 Seed Satchel A sack that lets Link carry 20 of each type of Mystical Seed. It is given by the Maku Tree.
L-2 Seed Satchel An upgraded Seed Satchel that allows Link to carry 50 of each type of seed. It can be gained from Tingle after visiting him a second time in either version of the game; gotten from him in an unlinked game's endgame after telling him a secret from the Great Fairy in the Woods of Winter in Seasons' linked game; or returned through a secret from Seasons' unlinked endgame in a linked game, initiated by the Deku Scrub in Dekuu Forest and given to the Deku Scrub in Natzu in Ages.
L-3 Seed Satchel A further upgraded Seed Satchel that allows Link to carry 99 of each type of seed, it is gained by doing the remaining above task for the respective type of game.
Bomb Bags
L-1 Bomb Explosives that Link pulls out above his head, they explode after a few moments. He can throw them at things to blow them up, and he can carry up to ten at a time. Link first gets them from Queen Ambi, and afterward they can be bought at Stockwell's shop, found in chests, or found as a moderately common drop.
L-2 Big Bomb Bag A bomb capacity upgrade allowing Link to carry up to 20. It is gained by meeting the Talus Peaks fairy and answering its question about the Golden and Silver Bombs truthfully in either version of the game; from the Wild Tokay Museum operator in an unlinked game's endgame after telling him a secret from the friendly Pig Warrior in the Ruined Keep in Seasons' linked game; or returned through a secret from Seasons' unlinked endgame in a linked game, initiated by a pigtailed girl by the South Shore and given to a pirate remaining in the House of Pirates in Seasons.
L-3 Big Bomb Bag A further bomb capacity upgrade allowing Link to carry up to 50, it is gained by doing the remaining above task for the respective type of game.
Power items
L-1 Power Bracelet A magical bracelet that allows Link to lift and throw heavy objects like pots and rocks. It is found in Spirit's Grave.
L-2 Power Glove A mightly gauntlet that allows Link to lift and throw huge pillars. It is found in Ancient Tomb.
L-1 Switch Hook A spring-loaded grappling hook that allows Link to grab and switch places with certain objects and enemies. It is found in the Skull Dungeon.
L-2 Long Hook A Switch Hook with far more range. It is found in Jabu-Jabu's Belly.
Tune of Echoes A tune that allows Link to open any Time Portals on the screen. It is learned from an apparition of Nayru when Link first gets the Harp of Ages.
Tune of Currents A tune that lets Link travel back to the present from any point in the past, as long as there is ground to stand on in his current position. It is learned from Tokkey.
Tune of Ages A tune that allows Link to travel to the other time period from any place that there is room to. It is learned from Nayru after saving her from Veran.
Ember Seed Seeds that catch fire when used, they are mainly used to burn shrubs and light torches.
Gale Seed Seeds that create a small tornado, Link can use these to travel to any seed tree he has visited already. By shooting them at enemies, they are blown off-screen.
Mystery Seed Seeds that can be used on Owl Stones to get hints. When used on enemies, a random seed effect happens.
Pegasus Seed Seeds that briefly make Link extra-fast, which is needed for certain timed puzzles.
Scent Seed Seeds that, when dropped, release a pungent smell certain monsters are distracted by. By shooting them at enemies, they pop for damage.
Strange Flute A flute that has not been claimed by any animal friends. It can be bought at Stockwell's shop or won at the Shooting Gallery, but has no use beyond defeating Pols Voices until the corresponding animal shows up. Only one flute can be obtained in the whole game, which carries across to a linked game, where the respective flute is always given by the animal it represents.
Dimitri's Flute A flute that summons Dimitri. It is the Strange Flute obtained at Stockwell's shop, becoming Dimitri's Flute once he is saved from the Fairies' Woods. In the linked game, he instead gives it when met on Crescent Island.
Moosh's Flute A flute that summons Moosh. It is given when Moosh is met a second time in Nuun Highlands in the unlinked game, and when he is met the first time in Yoll Graveyard in the linked game. It never appears as a Strange Flute.
Ricky's Flute A flute that summons Ricky. It is the Strange Flute obtained at the Shooting Gallery, becoming Ricky's Flute once he is saved from the Fairies' Woods. In the linked game, he instead gives it when his gloves are returned to him in the Forest of Time.
Boomerang A weapon that lets Link stun most enemies, destroy Sparks, hit far-away shock switches, and grab far items. It is an optional item obtained from Target Carts or the Goron Shooting Gallery in Rolling Ridge.
Cane of Somaria A magic rod that allows Link to create an orange block. It is found in the Crown Dungeon.
Harp of Ages A magical instrument belonging to Nayru, playing tunes on it alter the flow of time.
Roc's Feather A feather that lets Link jump, helping him cross pits. It is found in the Wing Dungeon.
Seed Shooter A device that launches Mystical Seeds that bounce around walls. It is found in Moonlit Grotto.
Shovel An item that let's Link dig up items and shovel away piles of dirt and snow. It is given by a foreman in the first visit to the Black Tower.
Linking secret
Biggoron's Sword A huge, powerful sword that takes up both item slots. It can be gained from the Goron Elder in an unlinked game's endgame after telling him a secret from a red Goron near Biggoron at Goron Mountain in Seasons' linked game; or returned through a secret from Seasons' unlinked endgame in a linked game, initiated from a Goron in Rolling Ridge and given to Biggoron in Seasons.
Bombchu Special bombs that move forward and home in on enemies, Link can carry up to 99. They can be gained from Dr. Troy at Target Carts in Rolling Ridge in an unlinked game's endgame after telling him a secret from Dr. Troy's pupil in the Eastern Suburbs in Seasons' linked game; or returned through a secret from Seasons' unlinked endgame in a linked game, initiated from a Subrosian in Rolling Ridge and given to an orange-robed Subrosian in a cave in Subrosia in Seasons. They can be restocked from Syrup's shop.


Replenishable items
Sprite Name Description
Gasha Seed These can be planted to grow Gasha Trees, which can give all manner of items of varying rarities depending on the amount of enemies defeated and the remoteness of the spot they are planted. They can be found in chests, dropped by Maple, or bought at Syrup's Potion Shop.
Magic Potion A special medicine that revives Link with all hearts if he runs out of health, and is also used to cure King Zora in the past. It can be bought from Syrup's Potion Shop, and is also a fairly rare drop from Maple or Gasha Trees.
Magical Ring Rings that can be worn for special effects after they have been appraised by Vasu. Some rings are completely unique and can only be gained from certain chests or characters, but others are of different levels of common or rare. They are often dropped by Maple or Gasha Trees. Duplicates are bought back by Vasu upon appraisal.
Sprite Name Description
Ring Boxes
L-1 Ring Box The first Ring Box, which holds a single ring. It is given by Vasu upon first visiting him.
L-2 Ring Box A larger Ring Box that holds up to three rings. It is members' section of Stockwell's shop in either version of the game; from one of the girls in the middle house of Symmetry Village in an unlinked game's endgame after telling her a secret from Holly's visitor in Seasons' linked game; or returned through a secret from Seasons' unlinked endgame in a linked game, initiated from Mayor Plen's grandmother and given to Mayor Ruul in Seasons.
L-3 Ring Box The largest Ring Box that holds up to five rings, it is gained by doing the remaining above task for the respective type of game.
Swimming items
L-1 Zora's Flippers An item that allows Link to swim, they are found in Cheval's Grave.
L-2 Mermaid Suit An item that lets Link swim faster and dive deep for extended periods, though its controls are ungainly. It is found in Mermaid's Cave.
Quest items
Sprite Name Description
Graveyard quest
Graveyard Key A key leading to the eastern portion of Yoll Graveyard. It is found in a grotto in the southwestern portion.
Crescent Island quest
Cheval Rope A type of rope that does not decay in water, and the life's work of Cheval. It is found in Cheval's Grave and given to Rafton to make a Raft.
Ricky's Gloves A pair of boxing gloves belonging to Ricky, they are found buried in sand on the South Shore.
Island Chart A chart of Crescent Island made by Tingle, it is needed to begin the voyage to the island.
Scent Seedling A young Scent Seed tree that must be planted in the past to be used in the future. It is won from the Wild Tokay.
Symmetry quest
Cracked Tuni Nut The symbol of Symmetry City, broken and causing havoc in the city from it. It must be taken from the Middle House to Patch's Grotto atop Restoration Wall.
Tuni Nut The Tuni Nut repaired by Patch, it must be returned to Symmetry City to quell its seismic activity.
Crown quest
Bomb Flower A Goron crop stolen and hoarded by the Great Moblin in the present-day Rolling Ridge. The Gorons give Link one as a reward for defeating him, and he uses it to save the Goron Elder in the past.
Crown Key The key to the Crown Dungeon, given by the Goron Elder once he is released from the rubble he is trapped under.
Goron quest
Brother Emblem A trinket that denotes an honorary member of the Goron tribe, and is needed to pass the green Goron. It is awarded by the Graceful Goron after successfully performing the Goron Dance in either time period.
Mermaid quest
Lava Juice A superheated drink that a Goron in the past wants. It can be won from the Goron Shooting Gallery.
Letter of Introduction A letter to the Graceful Goron from the no-longer-thirsty Goron. It introduces Link and explains what he is after.
Mermaid Key The key to Mermaid's Cave in the past. It is won from that time period's Graceful Goron after giving him the letter and dancing with him.
Old Mermaid quest
Rock Brisket A rocky steak and Goron treat given to the hungry green Goron in the present. It is won from getting a perfect score in Target Carts.
Goron Vase A rare vase made by Gorons, it is given to the green Goron in the past and obtained from his own decendant in the present.
Goronade A Goron energy drink given to the exhausted Goron who runs the Big Bang Game. It is obtained from the past green Goron.
Old Mermaid Key The key to Mermaid's Cave in the present. It is won from the Big Bang Game.
Zora quest
Library Key The key to the Eyeglass Island Library. It is obtained from King Zora in the present after curing his illness.
Book of Seals A book found in the library's back room in the present. It is used to get through the back room in the past.
Fairy Powder A magical substance found in the back room in the past. It is given to the Fairy Queen to restore her true form and power.
Sea of No Return quest
Zora Scale A Zoran symbol of heroism used to pass the guard of the Sea of Storms. It is awarded after clearing Jabu-Jabu's Belly.
Tokay Eyeball A treasure that slots into the statue on Crescent Island in the past. It is given by Cap'n in exchange for the Zora Scale.
Slates Four tablets found in the Ancient Tomb. They need to be taken to the central column to lower it and get further into the dungeon.
Sword quest
Poe Clock A clock given by the Poe in Yoll Graveyard and given to the Postman in Lynna Village in to keep schedule.
Stationery A blank letter given by the Postman and given to ??? in Lynna Village to use as toilet paper.
Stink Bag A bag of unknown, foul-smelling contents obtained from ??? and given to the Tokay chef in the present Crescent Island to clear his stuffy nose.
Tasty Meat Food given by the Tokay chef and given to the mask salesman in Nuun Highlands to cure his hunger.
Doggie Mask A mask from the mask salesman given to Mamamu Yan in Lynna City to help with her dog's shyness.
Dumbbell A weight given by Mamamu Yan and given to the Thin Man in the past Symmetry City to help with his exercise routine.
Cheesy Mustache A goofy fake mustache given by the Thin Man and given to the comedian in Lynna City to help his routine.
Funny Joke A joke told by the comedian and told to Dekadin in Lynna Village to cheer him up briefly.
Touching Book An emotional book given by Dekadin and given to Maple to make her less mad at Link.
Magic Oar An old oar made and given by Maple and given to Rafton on the past South Shore to prepare for a voyage of his own.
Sea Ukulele An instrument obtained by Rafton and given to the Old Zora on the Coast of No Return to help him relive his youth.
Broken Sword The remains of the "Hero's Sword" given by the Old Zora and given to Patch for him to repair into a sword upgrade.
Final quest
Huge Maku Seed The culmination of the Maku Tree's power, it is obtained the next time Link visits after collecting all eight Essences of Time. It is required to access the Black Tower Turret.
Dungeon items
Sprite Name Description
Small Key Interchangeable keys that can open a single door within the dungeon they are found in.
Dungeon Map A map that shows the dungeon's layout, including rooms Link has not yet visited.
Compass An item that shows the position of items and the boss, it also makes a sound when Link enters a room with a hidden item.
Boss Key A key that allows access to the dungeon's master.
Health items
Sprite Name Description
Heart Container Grants an extra heart of maximum life energy. One is held by each major dungeon boss, and another can be gotten through a secret.
Piece of Heart Heart Container fragments scattered across the world. Collecting four assembles a full Heart Container.

The 64 Magical Rings have varying effects when worn. Some can be found randomly at various levels of rarity, but some can only be found in certain places, either in this game or The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, with others only being found in one of the games' linked version.

Friendship Ring

Power Ring L-1

Power Ring L-2

Power Ring L-3

Armor Ring L-1

Armor Ring L-2

Armor Ring L-3

Red Ring

Blue Ring

Green Ring

Cursed Ring

Expert Ring

Blast Ring

Rang Ring L-1

GBA Time Ring

Maple's Ring

Steadfast Ring

Pegasus Ring

Toss Ring

Heart Ring L-1

Heart Ring L-2

Swimmer's Ring

Charge Ring

Light Ring L-1

Light Ring L-2

Bomber's Ring

Green Luck Ring

Blue Luck Ring

Gold Luck Ring

Red Luck Ring

Green Holy Ring

Blue Holy Ring

Red Holy Ring

Snowshoe Ring

Roc's Ring

Quicksand Ring

Red Joy Ring

Blue Joy Ring

Gold Joy Ring

Green Joy Ring

Discovery Ring

Rang Ring L-2

Octo Ring

Moblin Ring

Like Like Ring

Subrosian Ring

First Gen Ring

Spin Ring

Bombproof Ring

Energy Ring

Dbl. Edged Ring

GBA Nature Ring

Slayer's Ring

Rupee Ring

Victory Ring

Sign Ring

100th Ring

Whisp Ring

Gasha Ring

Peace Ring

Zora Ring

Fist Ring

Whimsical Ring

Protection Ring
Essences of Time

The eight Essences of Time are the dungeon rewards in this game. Unlike most games, they represent abstract concepts.

Sprite Name Description
Eternal Spirit The first essence in Spirit's Grave, it continues after life ends.
Ancient Wood The second essence in the Wing Dungeon, it speaks the truth from stillness.
Echoing Howl The third essence in Moonlit Grotto, it calls out to arrogant souls no matter how far they are.
Burning Flame The fourth essence in the Skull Dungeon, it inspires confidence and heroic resolve.
Sacred Soil The fifth essence in the Crown Dungeon, it nourishes all that lay within it.
Lonely Peak The sixth essence in Mermaid's Cave, it remains unflinching no matter how hard times are.
Rolling Sea The seventh essence in Jabu-Jabu's Belly, it calls to adventure.
Falling Star The eighth and final essence in the Ancient Tomb, it guides the other essences.


For this game's image gallery, see Gallery:The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ゼルダの伝説 ふしぎの木の実 時空の章
Zeruda no Densetsu: Fushigi no Kinomi Jikū no Shō
The Legend of Zelda: The Mysterious Seeds – Chapter of Space-Time (alternatively "THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Oracle of Ages" on the first screen of the game)


  • The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons are the first two games in the main series that were released in tandem. Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon are the first games of the overall The Legend of Zelda franchise that were released in tandem.

External links[edit]


  1. ^ Zelda Universe ( - Wayback Machine